Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Email - To Find The Best Snow, You Must Dig Down

(No pictures this week)
Well it's been another week! The time is flying! 

We had lunch at the Thomas's house because it was Sister Mondragóns 31st birthday. We cooked some Asian food since she is Filipino. It was just a normal p day nothing crazy happened. I did start reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish tho! I'm gunna read each verse twice, once in English and then again in Spanish so I can have better Spanish and understanding. 

Well as you all know it was Valentine's Day! But as you know, as missionaries we don't really celebrate holidays.  After district meeting Elder Ruiz Casas and I went to Wendy's and I ordered chicken nuggets, but when my order came, I found out they gave me a chicken sandwich that I payed wayyyyy too much for.  It was literally a big chicken nugget but I wasn't gunna go back and complain so I just ate it. We exchanged and I went to Patterson with Elder Layton from AZ. He's awesome! We will definitely be friends after the mission. We will actually be flying home together.

 So we taught this one guy and in the middle of teaching him the gospel of Jesus Christ lesson, he got up and said "Oh no, my dad just got here.... you guys need to go before he gets his gun out of the car, he doesn't like missionaries at all..." So, we closed with a prayer and got out of there fast haha. Welcome to Patterson NJ. We then taught this super golden family who has received so many answers to their questions and the spirit was so strong during the lesson and I made sure to point it out so they can know what that feeling is. 

We woke up at 5 AM to play some ball at the Patterson chapel with like 8 other missionaries. It was a good time, I just played terrible but that's ok. When we exchanged back, a member of ours made us a cake for Valentine's Day (It was only one day late :). We then went over to our less active's house, Ruben and played some games with his kid and it was so funny. We also taught Gerardo through FaceTime and it went really well. He read what we asked him too and everything. He's doing great. We had dinner at bishops house and had his wife's famous apple pie. It was a delicious! 

We had a solid TAC and got the apartment all cleaned up. We ate lunch that a member gave us and it was breakfast food, so we had a nice brunch. We had a great 1 hour drive out to Patterson since my comp had to do 2 baptismal interviews for the sisters investigators. 

We had Bridges as always. After that, we went to Prestige Diner with the sisters and I got their philly cheesesteak. Personally, I was expecting it to be the greatest thing ever. Don't get me wrong it was good but not as good as I had heard. It was funny because the waiter we had must have thought we were on a date or something. Because, when he found out we spoke Spanish and they didn't he said, "Buenas Chica's".
 Nelson contacted us and told us his uncle was Mormon and in the middle of our conversation he said, "Hold on" as he walked over to a big pile of snow and dug down like he was looking for something. After a second, he grabbed a handful of snow and took a bite and threw the rest. He walked back and said, "Continue"....?? We then taught our new investigator Emiliano and he seemed to understand a lot, but just said he needs time before he wants to be baptized. 

We played Frisbee and it was tons of fun until someone on my team said, "They had it" and it bounced off their hand and hit me right in the eye... I had a nice bruise right on my eyelid and eye brow for a few days.., still do. We taught Gerardo through FaceTime and taught a few of the commandments and made sure he was set for his baptisimal date for the 12th of March. He said it's a goal.

Last day of my 4th transfer! We had a few less actives at church again and we are working to get them to the temple now! We had lunch at the Alcas and they cooked us a nice Peruvian dish so that was bomb! We had a lesson with the crazy Nelson guy and it was very interesting having to answer all the crazy questions he had about Mormons. We visited our new investigators Jorge and Cecilia and when we showed up they had a giant BBQ out back for us! Grilled salmon and burgers and all sorts of grilled veggies. It was super good food and a little awkward with them drinking but we will get them to stop hopefully. We had a member come and we were able to cover some gospel principles. We met with the Rojas and shared a video about the temple and how important it is to them as a family. They seemed to like it. We also saw our investigator Karel and Diego who we haven't been able to see for weeks from work and school but she said that she might get a schedule change in 2 weeks so we can teach her all the lessons again and she can come to church and then they can get baptized. Super awesome! We had the transfer call and Elder Ruiz Casas and I will be together for our 3rd transfer here in Short Hills! We will get work done. I love you all and remember to love your family and read the scriptures.  


Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

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