Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Email - Shoveling Snow Finds Investigators

Weekly update Feb 6th- 12th, 2017

We had a great lesson with the Roja family (we found them by knocking doors) and we got to know all the kids better and got them to like us more. They said they would read the Book of Mormon each day as a family. Keep them in your prayers, 

We went to the chapel and played b ball since we decided earlier that week that on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday we would do that for our morning exercise. We went to Panera breads and my comp had a meeting and we saw the funniest sign in our booth!
 Pretty disturbing at the same time... pics will follow.

 We then had zone meeting at the Caldwell chapel we learned more about being productive and obedient and it was super good. We then were taught about the history of the Book of Mormon and some deeper stuff so that was fun! We then had an exchange and Elder Locke came to my area with me and since he didn't speak Spanish I was on my own... so having to teach the lessons by myself made me realize my Spanish is better than I thought!
 While knocking doors later that night we were surprised to run into one of the men who was on date in a different house! I asked what he was doing there and he said he was with his Aunt. Because he was there, we were able to get into the Aunts house.  While we were there, I asked his Aunt, "If Jesus Christ was right here with us, and you could ask him one question, what would it be"? She said she would ask him, "Where do we go after this life?" So I told her that we have a lesson that explains exactly that and more. So she told us she wants us to come back and teach her. 
New investigator... :) 

After we exchanged back, Elder Ruiz Casa and I made cookies for our member since it was his birthday and we took them over and had a great time. We then went over to Erikas house and got to know her better. We were able to gain her trust and taught her some English. We had dinner at Bilhas house again this week and she had a non member there so we shared the gospel of Jesus Christ and she told us she would come to church from now on, 

We woke up and it snowed about 8 inches overnight so we went out and did lots of shoveling! In total we were offered 115 dollars! One lady wouldn't let us clean her driveway unless we took the money she was offering.  We told her we wanted to do it for free so she got mad and told us to leave.... idk man! We also got a new investigator from shoveling. She wants to learn more about us and it was a great time. Good workout for the day.

 I made a nice snow angle so that was fun ;) sadly no pics of that.. 

We served at Bridges again and did the same old, same old but as always, it was super fun. I love service so much! During weekly planning we had a candle burning and we ended up cooking Mexican candy over it haha.

We had a nice lesson with Melania about family history and baptisms because we are getting ready for her to go to the temple.

 We had dinner at a members house and they served a vegetable casserole.  It was nasty because the rice the member put in was still rock hard. 

We woke up and played frisbee in about 4 inches of snow so that was sooo much fun. I played super well. We had breakfast at Maria Sagals house and we ended up making the breakfast again... we were supposed to have a super full day but because everyone here is getting sick, like all of our appointments got canceled... so we did some finding on Facebook. That's something the President has been pushing. So, we were adding hundreds of people on Facebook and talking to anyone who added us and it's been going well. I love sharing the gospel even if they aren't interested. I'm doing my part. 

The first half of the day was just freezing rain so everything had a layer of ice on it. We had two less actives at church so that was an accomplishment. I met a guy who knew my moms family in the English ward! We had dinner at the Farmers and he served his mission here in Jersey before.

 One of our investigators invited us to his church so we went and it was so crazy! It was literally just a concert... super loud and people just being crazy haha! Next time I email you I will know what the results of transfers are! We find out next Sunday! I love you all and remember to read your scriptures, pray with your families daily and teach them the gospel!! 

Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9


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