Weekly update Feb 20th- 26th
Well it was the first day of the 3rd transfer with Elder Ruiz Casas here is Short Hills, NJ. We had a good game of Frisbee and it's like one of the best sports to me now. It's so much fun! We had lunch at one of our members house and she made us some kind of lentil soup with toast. It was pretty decent, but hey food is food. We had to drive the 30 mile drive again out to Patterson to have p day with the zone. After we got back home we had a lesson with our new investigators we met knocking doors. The father is named Danilo and his son is Fernando. Fernando is 17 with a daughter and he's is super great. We taught them the restoration of the gospel and how important it is to a family. The spirit was very strong. They easily accepted a baptismal invite for the 18th of March! They really seemed to like the message. I can't wait to see how this gospel will change their lives.
The new missionaries got here. I think there were 12 new missionaries who came in... anyway we taught Victor Solis and talk about why we set commitments as missionaries. He told us for right now he wasn't committed to make these changes. So, sadly for now we had to drop him and told him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Missionaries will pick him up at the end of the year or something and see if he has changed. We taught our new investigators Danilo and Fernando from yesterday again! This time the wife of Fernando, also 17 was there. We gave her a quick run down about what the restoration was and then we taught them all the plan of salvation. They really seemed to like it and knew that baptisms by authority is part of the plan. The wife accepted a baptismal date for the 18th of March as well!!
We had dinner with our bishop and right after that he came out with us to teach our new investigator Emiliano. We followed up on if he read the pamphlet we gave him and he did! He's super awesome! I love when people keep their commitments! We taught him about the restoration of the gospel and how important that is to all of us and our families. He happily accepted a baptismal date for the 26th of March!!
We helped Bridges again, so that was a good daily work out. We found a new investigator while street contacting. That was a win! Most of our appointments juked us, so we had to do quite a bit of finding. We got dinner from the Aquinos and it was good Peruvian food. I think I'm gunna have to say Peruvian food is my favorite Spanish food!
We had a good game of Frisbee on Saturday and I figured out how to throw a super good side arm flick... whatever you call it. I can throw it a whole football field! We met up with one of our investigators by the summit train station and taught him. He's super crazy and I don't know if he will remember a word we said after we leave, but welcome to New Jersey!! Another, one of our investigators named Gerardo took us out to get super good pizza! I think it is possibly the best pizza I have ever had.
Emiliano, his wife, and his daughter came to church! Everything went super well and all the classes were great! It was so amazing to see them as a family in church. Just thinking about them being part of the church, made me smile all day. The dad and daughter loved singing the hymns. His daughter made 2 new friends at church and she loved it so much! The fact that they came to church made my whole week so much better.
I love this gospel so much and I can testify that this gospel blesses families. I've seen it in so many occasions. Watching families read the scriptures and pray brings them so much happiness and so much closer. I invite you all to start or continue reading and praying as a family each day. Find time for those you love. This gospel is amazing and you will find joy in living it! En el nombre de Jesus Christo amen.
Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9
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