Monday, November 7, 2016

Email - Contacting Can Give You Sore Muscles

MONDAY: Well "ya tú sabes" it was Halloween! We woke up and did the normal stuff like each Monday. After shopping we got home and had to ride bikes over to the sisters house and get their car. My companion's  Aunt was coming through Newark and wanted to take us to lunch and he said he got permission from president to go so we went and picked her up from the train station. We then went to Elm Street BBQ for lunch and then took her too the park and showed her kids that the squirrels eat out of our hands! Her kids loved the ardillas (squirrels). I didn't have tons of time to email today but oh well. We had to be home by 6 and couldn't leave the house since they don't want missionaries out during Halloween stuff. We stayed and planned and listened to some church music. 

TUESDAY: Today we had language study at the church then a super good district meeting by Elder Quintero the district leader. After that we had an exchange. Elder Quintero came with me to my area. He's a little bigger so I knew bikes would be a problem... anyway we were on our way home and we stopped at a red light before crossing. The cars on the opposite side got the green arrow but he didn't know that so he just started going. The cars that were turning had to slam on their brakes since he just went right in front of them and he cause a wreck! The car in front slammed on the brakes and the car behind him didn't stop so he wrecked into the back. I told him we should probably stop because we had to be witnesses but he said let's just keep going so we aren't late to our appointment. So we went home... when we got home he told me that we should have stayed... haha we then went out and contacted. We had a lesson soon after and we had a member come with us. It was a little scary because The other Elder is learning Portuguese so I had to do most of the lesson but he still helped! We found out they have 2 un-baptized sons!! They fed us a sandwich with eggs and hot dogs and hot chocolate! We then went to the next appointment and got fed again. I had to pray to get all that food down! It was rice with all kinds of random stuff in it. Some rock hard things were in it, I'm scared to know what it was... I need to work out more before I have gained even more weight! We have nights where we get fed like 4 times!! 

WEDNESDAY: Today was my 100th day! I can't believe it's been that long! I made elder Quintero a bomb breakfast since I decided that whenever I lead an area on an exchange I will make the other person breakfast. We then had a lesson after some studies and when he went to get on the bike he bent the pedal... we tried to keep riding but then the pedal just fell off as we were riding... I was laughing so hard! We walked over to his appartment and got his car and went to Walmart to get new pedals for my companions bike. We fixed the bike and exchanged back. We went to look for less actives and we got into a house and while we were upstairs we heard a voice from down stairs yell to us to come down and was yelling "who is in my house?!" So we went downstairs and the lady was asking how we got in and she said she almost "popped us". Good thing she didn't! We then taught Winston and then went to a members house and they got us a combo and flan! The flan was so good!! 

THURSDAY: After studies we went to church with the ports and all of us had meetings with the president. He just told me what we needed to work on and focus on. It was super helpful! After that we went to a members house and we taught the word of wisdom and she gave us all her coffee and we dumped it in the trash at the park! I'd say 75 percent of the members here drink coffee... President told us each time we knocked on a less actives door and they weren't there, we had to knock 20 doors around it! We got lots of numbers and referrals and a super cool guy! When we gave him the Book of Mormon he went into his car and just started reading while his friend was working on the door! We then had a member give us food and she said we couldn't come in so we went to another members house and ate really quick and taught our investigator our second to last lesson. She then committed to be baptized on the 13th of October!! We then went to a different member and showed him "only a stone cutter" he then asked us to give him a blessing since he was having some stressful stuff go on. While I gave him a blessing the spirit was there. I love giving blessings! 

FRIDAY: We were headed to our breakfast appointment at Irma's when my bike broke... for now it's fixed but if I stop peddling it will break again... we met a new lady at Irma's and she had potential! We came home and did language study and lunch then we did weekly planning. 

Then we went and had a meeting with Winston. We then went to Harrison and met with members and got fed again! We had a bunch of referrals from over there so we went and visited a couple and met a guy who seems golden! He just moved here from the Dominican Republic! We got to know him pretty well and now we can help him out! He has a lot of potential! He wants to learn more and went to the LDS church many years ago! 

SATURDAY: I've been in the field for 2 months now! Well we woke up at 6 and went to the park with 6 other Elders and played soccer! It was pretty cold but I was prepared for it lol. We then rode bikes over to the church and right before we got to church my bike broke again but I didn't have any tools to fix it! I hate not having tools to fix stuff!! So after coordination we walked like 2 miles to Walmart and had the Portuguese Elders run by the house and grab my receipt. After about an hour of waiting for them we got the receipt and were able to return the bike. I got one that was the same exact price! We rode home and had lunch then started calling. I came up with a good idea for each time we called to help my comp try harder to set up appointments! For each person that didn't answer I had to do either 30 crunches or 10 curls. For each person that answered I had to do either 10 push-ups, 15 dips, or 30 calf raises. (I knew I would have to do lots of these work outs so I didn't do the number super high). Last, if they set up an appointment I had to do a 45 second plank or 30 squats! Let's just say I had to do lots of each! We set up more appointments than ever since he loved watching me suffer and work out non stop from like 5 people in a row not answering or seeing a couple people set up appointments!

 We then went to a members house and showed a cool church movie and I brought popcorn. We then went and brought Jose Chamba to a recent converts house and talked about baptism and she told him of all her blessings and why he should be baptized. He committed to the 23rd of November! He told us that he wants me to baptize him so I better learn how to say it in Spanish! 

SUNDAY: Well today was pretty weird since it was the first time I've taken part in day light savings! We got an extra hour of sleep last night and when we woke up it was light! But now it's dark by like 5 pm lol. At church I helped take part in a baby blessing so that was neat! We had 156 people come to church today so that was the most I have seen here! I feel bad because the Portuguese Elders only had 12 people show up... Cathy got her baptismal interview and now she is good to be baptized the 13th (next Sunday)!! After church we came home and called people and I had to work out a lot again!! We went and started knocking doors and a man answered and asked who we were. We told him we were missionaries and he got so mad! He started screaming at us and cussing at us. Threatening us all sorts of crazy stuff! He told us he was gunna have his dog attack us if we didn't start running! He started calling for his dog so we got out of there! Welcome to Newark! Some people are just not very nice to missionaries! 

I just want you all to know that our Father in Heaven loves you. He has big plans for you. Be the person he wants you to be! We have so many blessings waiting for us after this life! During this life we get to choose where we will spend eternity!! So use this short time we have on earth to do everything you can to return with you Father in Heaven. We can all do that through the atonement of Jesus Christ. He is waiting for us! The time is now! Don't feel like you have to do what everyone else is doing! Do what God wants you to do!! I love you all!!

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