Sunday, November 6, 2016

Email - The Retirement Center Throws One Heck Of A Party and I Had To Turn Into A Mom

MONDAY: Well today was my sister Lacey's birthday so Happy Birthday Lacey!! As usual each p day we do laundry and then go to Walmart.

People of Walmart?
No, it's just Elder Rios with soggy pants 

Today we went to boogies to get a hair cut but he only had time to do one so I let my comp go. After Elder Rios haircut we went to Marshalls and I got a super nice jacket.

My new sweet jacket

Lunch came after that then a ride to the church to play sports. I had to respond to like 35 people who told me Happy Birthday this week, it was really cool having that many people think about me. I got a package of candy and a cool shirt from my sister Sheridan and her husband Riley a few days after my birthday.  That was a cool surprise.

My new shirt from the Pulsiphers

We went to Harrison after p day and tried to contact some less actives. We stopped and got a 6$ pizza and then took the left overs to Patricio since he hadn't answered our calls all day. When we got there he seemed different. He told us he didn't want to be baptized and had so many doubts. He told us since he started to meet with us he got kicked out of his house for meeting with us and now he lost his job. He said if the church was true these things wouldn't happen. We tried to share all sorts of scriptures and how we receive trials to strengthen our faith but he wasn't having a change of heart so he dropped us for now... he said the less active member he lives with has been saying all sorts of bad things about the church. We will continue to work with him. Keep him in your prayers!

TUESDAY: We woke up and rode to the church and we had to put on jackets since it was like 35 degrees. At the church, I had to lead language study so that was pretty crazy! Then we had district meeting and it was super good! Then the whole zone had lunch and Elder Bowman gave me a tie that Elder Donaldson left for me before he went home! Then we had a transfer and I went with Elder Santana. They are the Portuguese elders... we had appointments all day and as you can guess they were all in Portuguese... I could understand a pretty good amount of it. I knew what they were saying the whole time so that's cool! I would just teach in Spanish and they would understand me. They all said my Spanish was super good so that raised my self-esteem! I loved being with him cause we never had time to take a one minute break! That's how I like it! The best days are the busiest days!!  We had to do a lot of driving though... and I was the only one with a license since he is from Brazil so I had to do all the driving and let me tell you. The drivers here are terrible!!! We had a great day and I spoke a lot of Spanish and talked to a lot of Portuguese people!

WEDNESDAY: Today was my 3 month mark! Elder Santana and I had a super good study time in the morning and he taught me a lot! We went to an appointment but we got juked so we were walking home and passed by a fish market so of course we had to walk inside. The store smelled just like Mexico and a mixture of bad at the same time! The new watch I bought got sized for me at a little watch store.

My new watch looking swank

We then exchanged back and then my comp called and messaged people for a long time. Not much good came from it. I studied Spanish the whole time he called so I was doing something productive! Then we went to Winstons and his mom made us some dinner and he kept asking me to play video games with him. We were there for wayyyy to long. We then had Noche De Hogar and we didn't have a ride for our investigator so someone in the ward ordered us an uber. As we waited we talked about baptism and he told us he doesn't want to be baptized for a long time.

THURSDAY: We had a meeting with Kelly a new investigator of ours and the ride there was pretty different. It was cold and raining the whole 30 min bike ride there so by the time we got there we were soaked. I had to convince my comp to go to this meeting I told him we work rain or shine! I'm glad we went because she agreed to be baptized on the 13th of November. We then went to Wendy's on the way home and then to the church. The Ports picked us up and we went to the the rehab/retirement home to do our service. We played dominoes with Steve this week and he was a little different. He was breathing super hard and was a little crazy. On the floor above us there was a "party" but it was the most depressing thing I have ever seen. People were laying in beds that they had rolled into the room and everyone was just sitting in wheel chairs staring at the walls as super depressing music played. There were a few people just screaming and bouncing up and down in the wheel chairs but hey it was an experience! Every time I'm there I hear people say super funny insults to each other and the elevator is the best/funniest 5 min of my life! Everyone just makes fun of each other and calls each other names. We came home and we had a dinner appointment and she just handed us pizza and went inside. We called a bunch of people and looked on Facebook for people after eating.

FRIDAY: After studies we had weekly planning and planned for the week and called some people. We then went to Winstons and read the scriptures with him and on the way home we stopped at Pão De Vida (a Portuguese bakery) and my comp got some food. We then tried to contact a referral but the address just lead to a nail salon and no one with that name worked there... then we rode bikes to an appointment in Harrison and it was windy and cold and right before we got there she canceled on us... he then told me that he wanted to go use Facebook to contact at Dunkin Doughnuts... I honestly don't like the I pads other than for emailing but that's just me... it was awkward in Dunkin Doughnuts because these girls my age walked in and kept looking at me and smiling! Cmon don't they know I'm a missionary!! Lol luckily they never talked to me. Crazy girls these days... haha anyway we rode home and had a lesson with Cathy and taught here some of the commandments and they served us a sandwich with Bologna and pork fat :) nasty! Then we came home and my comp cut himself while trying to open a hand warmer with a knife... so I had to turn into a mom and get him all fixed up.

SATURDAY: After breakfast we had to put on warm clothes again since we had to ride our bikes to church and it was like 38 degrees. We had weekly coordination and after we set up the baptism and made the baptismal agenda. It took way too long to figure out how to print it and how to use the printer we had like 6 people trying to figure it out! So after we got that done a member from a different stake told us when we got a baptism he would take us to lunch and he took us to this Peruvian restaurant called El Chevere I had chicken heart and cow stomach and all sorts of goodies ;). I also had this potato cake thing called causa and it was decent... not really but hey I ate a whole slice.

Paraphernalia from El Chevere 

 We came home and had an appointment with some members in Harrison and gave them a lesson but they told us they don't think this is the only true church but that most churches are true... we got fed Asian food there and it was good"ish"... I can't wait to get home and have normal food!! 21 months ;) JK I'm trying all sorts of new foods here! We then had an appointment with a part member family and watched the 20 minute version of the restoration!

SUNDAY: I got to wear my golden tie again today! I am going to wear my golden tie each time I have a baptism! That's what my grandpa gave it to me for! Anyway we got to church and turned on the font since it takes 3 hours to fill up!! After church started I confirmed Winston a part of the church and gave him a blessing, it was so amazing! Since he speaks mostly English he wanted me to do it in English. After church we were able to watch our investigator Christian Joel Morales get baptized!! He chose a member to baptize him and I was so happy that he made this choice to be baptized!!

My second baptism October 30th, 2016
Christian Joel Morales

 We came home and started knocking doors looking for our less actives and we were looking for this less active lady when a man open the door and let us in. He told us he is a member in the English branch and he wasn't going to let us in but as he was walking up the stairs he felt like he needed to let us in and feed us... so he did and about 5 minutes after he let us in it started pouring out of no where! We then shared a video and I bore my testimony and he said we were an answer to his prays and he wanted us to come back again in a few days!! Blessings are real!! We then had to go home since it was almost 6 and today and on Halloween we have to be in the house by 6 o clock! So since I'll be in the house studying make sure you go load up on candy for me!!

The mission is amazing and it changes people for the better if you let it! I know that I have changed in so many ways and I'm going to continue to change! I love this opportunity that I have!!


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