MONDAY: Walmart again to return my comps broken bike and do our weekly shopping. Ends up Elder Rios got the same bike as mine. A "fancy" beach cruiser" I don't know how he likes it! Anyway since it was just Halloween all the candy was 50-75% off! Soooo I got like 3 different types of candy... I need to stop! To make up for it I got carrots, apples, canned peaches and canned pears! Starting now I won't by any more candy! I'm trying to eat healthier! Later that evening we picked up Jose Cuartas and took him to our appointment with a new investigator. He was a referral from the Kearny sisters. We taught him the restoration and showed him the restoration movie, then asked him to be baptized. He said yes to the 20th of November! We will have to work fast to have him ready by then but we can do it! The only problem is if he doesn't find a job he is moving to Pennsylvanian where he has a job waiting!
TUESDAY:Today we had zone conference and it was super good! I like meetings and stuff because I always learn something! We then had lunch and fundamentals. By the time we got out of all the meetings it was 3:30!! We came home and most of our plans canceled so we went to Blanquitas house and she fed us. We then rode to Harrison and had a meeting with Urrelo and he fed us too! We rode home and took Jose Chamba to Blanquitas house and talked about baptism and he said he agreed to be baptized on the 20th of this month! She had the elections on and they all were so mad when trump had the lead. Most people here hate trump with a passion!! I was super curious who would win. Almost everyone thinks trump would lose.
WEDNESDAY: Well trump won, didn't expect that! Along with that, today was a good day! Temple day!! The whole zone met up at the church and went over to the Harrison train station and took the train to the World Trade Center station. That place is so cool!! It is huge!!
We had to walk a couple blocks and take the train the rest of the way to the temple. When we walked out of the station I saw buildings bigger than I've ever seen!! We were super close to the World Trade Center! It was sooooo tall!
We got to the Manhattan temple and it is pretty small but still super cool! We went through the temple and it was amazing!! There is also a church in the same building. The church has a basketball court so it was weird to see people walking into the temple doors in gym clothes and basketballs. Super crazy!
We went and got street food after that and we got gyros. They were pretty good! We still had like 25 min so like 10 of us walked the 1 block over to Central Park!! It was so beautiful!! The trees were changing colors and it was a cloudy day!
We had an awesome view of New York! I can't believe I went to New York for the first time today!! I want to spend a couple days there after my mission just to look at stuff! The park was amazing! On the way back to the train station we stopped by the huge pools where the twin towers used to be and they were so big!!
New York was awesome! I need to know what food I can get next time that is close to the temple!!
THURSDAY: We had a service day at Sinai retirement/ rehab center and played games with the people there. It's funny because most of the people there don't like my companion. When he comes over to them they leave. That place always has funny stuff happen! Definitely not a good place to be if you are a germaphobe! We then had a meeting and brought a girl in our ward who just got home from a mission. We taught Ramon the plan of salvation and he liked it! He understands a lot! He was going to have to leave if he didn't find a job but he found one! We got our weekly pizza and ate it at the members house who lives next door. We then went to Christians house and talked to him about going to the temple. The whole day I was just in a white church shirt and tons of people had jackets! They all kept asking how I wasn't cold!
FRIDAY: Breakfast at a members house and it is similar every week... Good thing we like it! We came home and I did language study while my comp slept. During lunch I made some brownies and they were super good!
We then did weekly planning. We got juked on our next lesson so we stopped at 1 of the million bakeries and shared a piece of flan. I love flan! Today was windy and cold! The wind just makes everything worse! We then got Jose Chamba and walked over to Blanquitas house to have her help us teach him. After the lesson she made tea for us. Each time she would walk out of the room I would pour mine into her cup hahaha she didn't find out until the end! Everyone was laughing so hard. My comp always just drinks it because he says it's good and he doesn't want to be mean. Jose Chamba is getting baptized the 20th he asked me to baptize him!
SATURDAY: Today I bought chicken at the store and a member used it and made us lunch and our investigator Jose Chamba!
Elder Quintero came over and gave him the baptismal interview and he said he is good to go! Set for the 20th! We had an appointment and they gave us a sandwich to go and as we rode I passed 1 of many hobos and I gave him it and the hobos around him seemed mad I didn't give it to them. I told him to share haha. We went to the church and made the baptismal agenda for the baptism the next day and then went home!
SUNDAY: We picked up Jose Chamba and we went to the church. The font was already on when we got there so that was nice! Church was nice and we had a few investigators show up! I got to wear my golden tie again! We had the baptism after church and it went great! We set up lots of appointments so that was good!
I love the Sabbath day! We talked to a member and he said next Monday he would take us fishing!! I'm so pumped! I really hope it happens!! The weather hasn't gotten super cold yet so that's sad!
Well anyway I just wanted to tell you all I love you so much! Help the missionaries in any way you can! Always give them referrals (people they can help) and try to help them out in any way! Each of you can be missionaries every day! Get out there and find the lost sheep! It's amazing to watch people come back and grow in the gospel! Read and pray daily! God wants to hear from you and help you out! The church is true!!!
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