Weekly update for May 28th - June 3rd
Happy Monday everyone! It's funny how Mondays for me mean I get to talk to my family, rest a little bit, and play some sports while for everyone else it's the most dreaded day of the week. 🙂 hahaha just a weird thought.
Oh man here's what happened this week:
On Tuesday, we had transfer conference and I got to see so many missionaries I dearly love and many of them I won’t ever see again! So sad! I got a pic with my mission homie Elder Marz!
Later in the week, we were working super hard on getting our English Classes growing. We have been inviting literally everyone. Everyone on Facebook, on the streets, at table stands, everywhere! It's crazy! And people have finally started showing up. This week we had a whole class of... (drumroll please).... 4 people! 😀 haha yeah it seems like nothing compared to when I was in Bayonne and we would get about 25 people every week. But you know what, it's progress. We have been working English class super hard. So I'm just super happy our class has grown this much.
And we were doing a table stand for English class and this super weird guy came down the street. Hahaha I'll send a Pic, he said he was connected to the dead so he was dressed like some old guy? Kinda like pirates of the Caribbean outfit. It was super weird, and nobody stopped to talk with us with him there... So kind of unfortunate but something I'll never forget. Hahaha. He was nice though.
Anyways we definitely have had some cool miracles. We found a family that is really just so kind. It was fun talking with them and everything their kids like doing, we like to do. As you can imagine we connected super well! We are visiting them this Friday. Wish us luck.
This week we also fasted and prayed that some unexpected people would come to church, and 4 people came that we really weren't expecting. Yes, another huge miracle. And two less active families came as well. It was soooo cool. There is some definite progress being made here. Noelia is sharing the gospel everywhere she is. She's a legend! I just got a message from a random person I talked to on Facebook a long time ago and she asked me if I knew this lady (Noelia) who was teaching her about the Book of Mormon on the bus (she knew about the Book of Mormon because I gave her one a couple months back). She is teaching everyone about it.
Sorry this is long, but I wanted to commit you all to pick some things to improve on, whether it be writing in your journal, or saying better prayers, or reading in your scriptures every day, listening to conference talks in the mornings whatever. But don't choose too many! Choose 2 if you want, and then just go little by little, and I promise you'll see huge changes! By small things come huge miracles! 🙂
So my comp always adds quotes of the week that he thought were funny and it usually is the things I say so here is a couple quotes from this week.
Quotes of the week
1. There is no rebuttal for someone who testifies. - Sister Hess
2. Nothing you say is going to change my mind on what I know. - Sister Hess
3. There's a flipping guillotine on the ceiling! - Elder Davis after hitting his head on a corner of the ceiling that was like 5 1/2 feet tall.
4. Hey look! There's a drunk man! With a weed Wacker... On a bike... With a flat tire... - Elder Davis
Well anyways, I love you all and hope you have a great week!
- A fox in the parking lot -
Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey) Alma 7: 11-13
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