Monday, July 2, 2018

Email - Last Fishing Excursion in NJ. Just Look At These Beauties!

Weekly update for June 6th - 11th, 2018 

      Hey everyone! Let me tell you this PDay was so calming. We didnt have to shop cuz we have way too much food, so that made it a lot more relaxed. So, basically we did laundry, took our car in to change oil, and we fished! Hahaha last week we were driving by this BEAUTIFUL park with a pond and rivers on the way to set up and appointment for our oil change and we were like, "this is in our area?" hahaha cuz we figured we only got Paterson, but nope! We have a beautiful park and as you know... I love fishing! So, this week while the oil was getting changed we went out there and caught about 10 fish. Hahaha. It was a party. And the pond had HUGE turtles! It was so crazy. I wish I got a better picture but they'd run away, and the biggest one was about 2 feet long. It was so sick.

      As for being fishers of men, the work is still moving forward! Kinda slowly in some aspects, but you know what? It's a good patience builder. 🙂Julio is our Dominican buddy who's 19. He has been a slow goer and couldn't come to church this week. But we taught him the Word of Wisdom and he's down! We also found this girl named Cindy who has had the hardest life ever. Like oh my goodness. She was on the streets of Guatemala at age 8 fending for herself.  And there's more to it, but let's just say she hasn't had it easy. But she wants to learn more about the gospel. Let's hope it works out.

     This week we had soooo many people lined up to come to church. They told us straight up, "Yes we will be there." and then the morning of we got a ton of messages saying they couldn't. Like what the heck? We were so bummed. So we just said a prayer asking for God to send some people to church. And when we got there three of our English class students came and our RC Noelia brought a friend. We were so grateful to God for sending us those people. And I still am. 🙂 Miracles like that happen so much in the mission it's amazing.

     Honestly God gives us what we ask for. Like, 4 people at church, or a Mexican who has met with missionaries, or more peace. Whatever it is that we may want, he can give it to us! Maybe with time, and of course if it's his will. But if we have the faith and courage to ask him for what we want, he will respond.  

     Thank you all for your prayers in my behalf! They are working. And I ask that you keep them up. Pray that we can find people to teach, and who will actually progress. I know that as we do, we will find those who are prepared. 

     These weeks are flying by and I’m doing all I can to make the most of the mission. I love the time I have here and I never want it to end. I love the Book of Mormon and I know it is true. So we also had zone conference this week and at each zone conference the missionaries who are going home at the end of the transfer get a couple min to give their testimony.. so I took some time to think about what I would want to say in the 2 min they give us. I spoke of the importance of the family, keeping the commandments, the priesthood, and bore my testimony of the Book of Mormon and Jesus Christ. I know he lives and loves us. Have a great week and look for ways to have the power of God in your life! Be worthy of it. I love you all! 

Elder Mason Tanner Davis
Morristown, New Jersey

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