Monday, April 23, 2018

Email - Pushing Hard To The End - 78 Days Left

Howdy everyone! Time is flying out here in the 973.

My first week with Elder Risenmay has been great! We have been working
like crazy. 

We have 4 more people on baptismal date, 12 new
investigators and 7 investigators came to church. Yes, 7!

So a little bit about my new comp. his name is Christian Risenmay. He
is from Provo Utah, he loves missionary work and he has been out for
almost 10 months now. He loves Jesus just like me. :)
We are working hard and finding lots of people to teach! We have a
goal of baptizing 4 people this transfer and it is very possible but
we will need your prayers and faith! 
Pray for Noelia, Paula, Bianca, Miguel, Stephanie, and Jissette!

       Also we had an amazing experience this Sunday. As a mission
we had a goal to find families. So yesterday we were walking down the
street street when we found Domingo and he sent us to his house to
find his family and there were 8 of them there at the time and we have
a return appointment with them for next week!  We will keep you
updated on that!

       Well I don’t have a ton of time and I am at the point where I
feel like nobody reads my emails so I will just stop here. Haha I love
all those who read this and all the others who don’t, well your missing out. LOL

Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey) 
Alma 7: 11-13

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