Monday, April 23, 2018

Email - I Have Mad Pancake Skillzzz

Weekly email for April 2nd - 8th 

Time is flying. Make it slow down.

       So this week was great as always. Today I went fishing at some lake that is like 3 miles from my house. I didn’t catch anything sadly and it was quite funny because the people around me were trying to tell me how to fish and what bait to use and how to tie a knot but I didn't have the heart to tell them that I already knew all that. Or that I’m pretty sure that I have caught more fish than all of them combined so I just took their advice like I had no idea what I was doing. Haha I can’t wait to go fishing back in AZ! 

       So on Tuesday we had a lesson with Bianca and she is doing pretty bad. She is not mentally all there and her parents are on the verge of taking her to a mental facility. We went over with President and talked about the importance of reading and praying and helped her realize when she is feeling upset or depressed or really any negative feeling that she could read from the scriptures and talk to her Father in Heaven. We sang I am a child of God and the parents were crying by the end. Not gunna lie we did sound great as a trio with President. 

       I had an exchange with Elder Feick the AP and I went to his area in Elizabeth. It’s a pretty rough place too. Nothing compared to my area but still pretty low class hood area. They live in an apartment with 4 missionaries and Elder Fletcher from Mesa lives there! He is the greatest. We will be best friends when he gets home 1 year after me. For breakfast we made pancakes and everyone was doubtful of my cooking skillzzz until I made them pancakes and now they call me chef Davis. ;)

Our cool tent fort

       I also went on an exchange with Elder Broberg from Utah and it was great. He is still in training but he is a great teacher and is finally getting used to living in the hood of Paterson haha. There are so many stories I could tell you from this week but I will limit myself. 

       So it turns out that our mission the New Jersey Morristown mission is the only mission in the world that is currently using Facebook for finding. Many other missionaries in the world have Facebook but just haven’t mastered it like our mission. 

My comp and I are currently doing the best, numbers wise with Facebook so I guess that makes us the best Facebook missionaries in the whole world ;) 

   That’s about all I can remember for now but i want you all to know that i love the mission and it’s making me sad to realize it is coming closer to the end of my time here so I will make the most of my remaining time. I love you all and invite you to study the conference talks throughout the week. Have a good one.

Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey)
 Alma 7: 11-13

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