Monday, March 5, 2018

Email - Week of Miracles

Weekly update for Feb 5th -11th

Week of miracles!

Wow this week was amazing in every way. (Except for the weather)

       So I’m just gunna list a few of the reasons why this week was so good: 

       #1: The family of Dominicans got baptized!!! Thanks so much for all your prayers. The fathers heart was softened and he allowed them to be baptized and he came to the baptism and stayed for sacrament! I was blessed to baptize the mother! The 4 missionaries who taught them got to take part in it. So there were 8 people in white. Such a great sight to see. I’m so grateful that they made the decision to be baptized.

       #2: Our new investigator Melissa came to the baptism. She was found during 2 hour power. She has been in America for a short time and has no family here. She is 19 and has never been baptized in any church. She wants God in her life and she is looking for the truth. She came to the baptism and LOVED it! She said she can’t wait for hers. We don’t have a specific date but she will be baptized soon. She was asking us what she needs to do to go to the temple and what she needs to do to become a missionary. She is so prepared. It just makes me so happy when people want to be righteous. She is amazing.

       #3: We met a lady named Bianca a week or 2 ago and she is just progressing so fast. She is reading the Book of Mormon and loving it. She also hasn’t been baptized which is super rare here. We were able to share the restoration with her and she absolutely loved it. The spirit was so strong. We feel she will also follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. We honestly have just been so blessed here with people to teach. The blessings of obedience are real. We are seeing the blessings every day. I could go on and on with blessings we saw but i don’t wanna make it too long.  I love the mission so much! I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity that I have been given to serve the Lord for these 2 years! I’ve still got plenty of time to work hard and give him everything. They say the harder you work on the mission the cuter your wife is right?! ;) So she’s gunna be beautiful! ;) But, in all honesty I love the mission so much! Any of you who are wondering if you should serve a mission, stop wondering and do it. I can promise you there will be no regrets. You will be so thankful for the mission. I love you all and have a great week.

Here are a few random pics from this week.  

Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey) Alma 34:32-33

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