Monday, March 5, 2018

Email - Crazy Winds And Storms (Just as we thought it was getting warmer)

Weekly update for feb 27th - March 5th, 2018 

Well this is Elder Moulton writing this weekly email since Elder Davis is driving. 

This week was pretty incredible. It was the last week of the transfer, and so we decided to set pretty high goals. However, halfway through the week we already had accomplished most of of goals, so we had to reset our goals. The best part was that we found 2 really cool families, both through Facebook. One of them, Bertha and her daughter, came to church, which was something we had fasted for that day. 

We had a pretty good sized storm come through here this week, but it wasn’t too crazy in Paterson. (Outside of the high winds with everything flying around). Just as we thought it was getting warm too. 

We had transfer calls last night and we found out we are both staying here. We also found out that the zone will have almost all sisters, with 6 companionship's of sisters, and 3 with elders, including us. That will be a bit different, but hopefully fun. 

Elder Mason Davis

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