Monday, March 5, 2018

Email - Crazy Winds And Storms (Just as we thought it was getting warmer)

Weekly update for feb 27th - March 5th, 2018 

Well this is Elder Moulton writing this weekly email since Elder Davis is driving. 

This week was pretty incredible. It was the last week of the transfer, and so we decided to set pretty high goals. However, halfway through the week we already had accomplished most of of goals, so we had to reset our goals. The best part was that we found 2 really cool families, both through Facebook. One of them, Bertha and her daughter, came to church, which was something we had fasted for that day. 

We had a pretty good sized storm come through here this week, but it wasn’t too crazy in Paterson. (Outside of the high winds with everything flying around). Just as we thought it was getting warm too. 

We had transfer calls last night and we found out we are both staying here. We also found out that the zone will have almost all sisters, with 6 companionship's of sisters, and 3 with elders, including us. That will be a bit different, but hopefully fun. 

Elder Mason Davis

Email - I Want Clear Days With Sunshine

  Weekly update for Feb 19th -25th

      This week nothing spectacular happened but don't think that this week wasn't amazing! Every week as a missionary is amazing with all its ups and downs! I love being a missionary so much and I love sharing the joy that this gospel has brought me with others.

      Well, one of the people we have been working with is named Melissa and she was progressing really fast but now Satan is really starting to work on her and through many challenges and problems and she is slowing down a little with her progression. We will probably move her baptismal date to March 10th. So I'll ask you all to keep her in your daily prayers and ask that she will be able to work through her problems and doubts and get baptized so she can receive the holy ghost. She is amazing and will make such a strong member.

      So I don't remember if I told you or not but there is a section of our area where almost every person and every store are from the middle east. They only speak Arabic and other languages like that. It's so cool. I gotta go try some of their food sometime.

      This week we got tons of rain. I just want clear days with sunshine not this foggy, cold, rainy, days haha but in a month or so when summer comes around I'll be wanting the cold days back. New Jersey summers are brutal. I want dry weather again. But I guess while I'm here I might as well enjoy it because the mission is flying by.

      Also I went on an exchange with Elder Kelly (he was my comp for 1 transfer in Bayonne) and I went to his area which was one of my past areas. Short hills Area. I got to see lots of my members and tons of the people I was teaching. They had never taught any if them but while I was there we passed by and most were home and willing to receive missionaries again and were happy to see me. I drove the whole day without a GPS because I have that area memorized still.
      Well that's about it for this week but I want you all to know that I love this mission and the people here are great. I know the book of Mormon is true and if you aren't reading it daily I strongly invite you to do so. It will change your day, week, life. Have a great week of sunshine. Love you all. 

Elder Mason Davis

Email - I Love Snow, But The Week That Follows Is So Muddy

Weekly update for February 12th -18th, 2018

This week was great even though I don’t really having special to talk about... I mean we did tons of teaching finding and all sorts of missionary things! 
I went on an exchange with Elder Layton from Thatcher Arizona and I went to his area which is a very hard area. Probably the hardest area in the whole mission. They haven’t taught a lesson to an investigator in 3 months... that’s rough. Well anyway their area is beautiful. They live in an area with hills. I haven’t seen hills in so long. It was just the middle of the forest. I saw so many creeks and lakes and I just wanted to just go fishing so bad! I saw some deer too. 
Also, on Sunday night my comp and I had to give a training to all the leaders of the stake like the bishops and their counselors and it was good. I like teaching people and helping people out. It was kinda odd for me, a 19 year old teaching bishops and stake president how to use Facebook and technology to share the gospel. I went good tho. 
We also got like 6 inches of snow so that was fun. I love snow and it’s so beautiful but I hate the week that follows it because it just makes ice and parking is so terrible and it just makes everything so muddy. About a month from now it will be time to take out the short sleeve shirts and pack away all my winter stuff for good. 
Sorry this week was pretty basic but that about all the stuff worth talking about. Read your scriptures. Love you! 

Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey) Alma 7: 11-13

Email - Week of Miracles

Weekly update for Feb 5th -11th

Week of miracles!

Wow this week was amazing in every way. (Except for the weather)

       So I’m just gunna list a few of the reasons why this week was so good: 

       #1: The family of Dominicans got baptized!!! Thanks so much for all your prayers. The fathers heart was softened and he allowed them to be baptized and he came to the baptism and stayed for sacrament! I was blessed to baptize the mother! The 4 missionaries who taught them got to take part in it. So there were 8 people in white. Such a great sight to see. I’m so grateful that they made the decision to be baptized.

       #2: Our new investigator Melissa came to the baptism. She was found during 2 hour power. She has been in America for a short time and has no family here. She is 19 and has never been baptized in any church. She wants God in her life and she is looking for the truth. She came to the baptism and LOVED it! She said she can’t wait for hers. We don’t have a specific date but she will be baptized soon. She was asking us what she needs to do to go to the temple and what she needs to do to become a missionary. She is so prepared. It just makes me so happy when people want to be righteous. She is amazing.

       #3: We met a lady named Bianca a week or 2 ago and she is just progressing so fast. She is reading the Book of Mormon and loving it. She also hasn’t been baptized which is super rare here. We were able to share the restoration with her and she absolutely loved it. The spirit was so strong. We feel she will also follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized. We honestly have just been so blessed here with people to teach. The blessings of obedience are real. We are seeing the blessings every day. I could go on and on with blessings we saw but i don’t wanna make it too long.  I love the mission so much! I’m so grateful for this amazing opportunity that I have been given to serve the Lord for these 2 years! I’ve still got plenty of time to work hard and give him everything. They say the harder you work on the mission the cuter your wife is right?! ;) So she’s gunna be beautiful! ;) But, in all honesty I love the mission so much! Any of you who are wondering if you should serve a mission, stop wondering and do it. I can promise you there will be no regrets. You will be so thankful for the mission. I love you all and have a great week.

Here are a few random pics from this week.  

Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey) Alma 34:32-33