Monday, February 5, 2018

Email - Finally a Zone Leader!!

Weekly update for Jan 15th - 21st, 2018

       Well this was a roller coaster of a week. First off, I wanna say sorry about last p day. Every once in a while our WiFi is weird and won’t let me get my emails until a few hours later or even 2 days later for a couple of you. So, sorry if I didn’t get to respond to some of your emails. There were lots.  

       About 2 months ago we had a 23 year old guy randomly show up to church. I sat by him and it turns out he had been taught by missionaries about a year ago and just felt like he needed to come to church. His name is Jasson. Yes it has 2 S’s haha.  Anyway, it turned out that he lived in the sisters area, so they were the ones that got to do most of the teaching. We were great buddies tho. Whenever he came to church I would sit with him and talk with him and stuff. This week he got baptized! He asked me to baptize him. I was so honored to do so. He is a very strong guy in the church and will continue to be active.  Hopefully be will able to serve a mission. 

       On a sad note. My amazing grandpa Mason I. Davis passed away. It was a hard couple days for me. I wasn’t ever able to say good bye or spend as much time with him as I wanted. But being here on the mission really helped me truly know that he is in a better place and I will see him again. God needed him in the spirit world more than this one. He will be missed. Love you Grandpa. 

      This is my last week here in the unique Passaic NJ! I will miss this place and Elder Williams! I have been called to serve as a Zone Leader in Patterson NJ. My new comp will be Elder Moulton. That’s all I know about him. His name. I heard he’s pretty quiet so I’ll be helping him with that. ;) I’m super pumped to help lift and serve this zone. I’ve always wanted to serve in Patterson too. I know it will be a great time. I’m gunna have a car for the first time in 9 months! YEET! 

       Well that’s all the super interesting things for this week that I can remember... I love you all and have a great week. Read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. Your life will change for the better. 

(Here are a couple other pics from this week)

Sister missionaries cleaning the font before Jasson's baptism.

A few of the other families we are currently teaching. 

Another pic of my amazing cooking. 

Elder Mason Davis (Passaic New Jersey) Alma 34:32-33

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