Weekly update Jan 22nd - 28th
Wow this week has been great. Also super busy. Every day that I have been here in Patterson I have come home completely tired and ready to sleep, but we still have to keep working when we get home. My companion is Elder Moulton from Boise, Idaho. He has been out just over a year and is the greatest. We already get along super well. I know it will be a good transfer.
Monday last week was my last night in Passaic. So, we visited Patty’s family and we had a good time. When I told them it was time to go and I said goodbye, they all began to cry... it was so sad!
I will miss them so much. It was sad to say by to my greenie Elder Williams. He was a great companion and friend.
Let me tell you a little bit about our area. We have 11 people on baptismal date (I believe it is the most in the mission). We have put 2 on date while I have been here and I think this is the dream area.
So much work to do along with all the new responsibilities I have been given. We drive a 2017 Nissan rouge. I love having a car. We also live in an amazing house. It just needs a little tidying up and organizing and it will be like new. We even have granite countertops. The only catch is that we live right next to a rail road, so we have the train pass by like 25 feet from us every 30 min or so. Good thing I’m a light sleeper haha.
My first appointment in Patterson was with a less active Dominican lady. For a moment I would like to draw you a visual in your head to describer her house. Imagine you are sitting on a couch looking as all the floors and walls are just moving with roaches. Well, there you go. I don’t think I ever saw less than 25 roaches at any given time. One fell on my comps tablet. The member casually hit it off the wall and it fell on him haha. Great time!
So we had a meeting with all the zone leaders and the APs gave a training and a question session.
One of the questions they asked, that I really liked was, “What would Jesus do if he was in your area?” I want to do exactly that! He would work this area better than anyone, because it is his work, His church. It puts a whole new meaning to WWJD ( what would Jesus do). I invite you all to think about that seriously in your lives and make a change. I love you all and hope you have a great week.
(Some other pics from this week)
Fish Market
Gourmet Dining at Mi Casa
Elder Mason Davis (Paterson New Jersey) Alma 34:32-33
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