Friday, December 1, 2017

Email - A Possum Sighting! Of course I Had To Touch It Too.

Weekly update for Nov 6th - 12th

The weather is getting cooler and the Holidays are getting closer! 

      Well to start off with, last week something happened to our WiFi so I didn’t get a lot of the emails until after p day was over. I’m not sure what happened. So if I didn’t respond to you, that’s why. 

       One of the days last week, we were walking down the road trying to find some inactive members. It was freezing cold with rain that day, so we decided that we should stop by an active members house. As we arrived, they let us in and made us some great hot chocolate and got us something to eat. I love these people so much! 

      Some mornings the feels like temperature is 14 degrees when we went out to do exercises. We do lots of walking through the rain and sleet so that is always an awesome time.  

We have been witnessing tons of miracles and blessings lately.
 Orlys family is all progressing so much and they have all accepted to work towards baptism!
 I love missionary work so much.

       We found a lost member while knocking doors.  We asked if we could help her with anything and she said “yes, I need help cleaning my backyard”. 
So we came back a few days later with the sisters and one member and moved tons of giant logs and metal pieces and helped her organize the yard. While we were working a possum walked right next to us! It was super old and blind and really slow. So of course, I had to touch it.

I was going to pick it up, but the sister missionaries wouldn’t let me.  I have to be honest, manual labor is so much easier and relaxing than missionary work. The mission is both physically and spiritually demanding. 
Gotta love it. ;)
      Well I think that’s about it for the interesting stuff that happened this week.  I love you all and invite you to keep reading the scriptures and truly try to show your love to you family this week. 

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