Weekly update for Oct 31st - Nov 5th, 2017
Well happy Halloween! This past Halloween and the day before we had to be in the house by 6 PM since the Mission President didn’t want any shenanigans happening. So on p-day we didn't get to go out and do any missionary work. Sad day.
On Halloween day we were at a members restaurant when someone came in and said “there’s smoke coming out of your building” so Elder Williams walked out to see where it was coming from and it actually was 1 street over. It was someone’s storage/garage that was on fire. Pretty crazy.
Also the terrorist attack that happened in New York last week involved a Home Depot truck tat was rented from the Home Depot 1 mile from my house. Crazy Halloween stuff. My prayers go out to all those who are suffering from that incident.
So there were 6 missionaries here in Passaic but last week was transfers and Elder Ruiz Casas went home and Elder Johnson was moved to down south of New Jersey. Now the real problem... they didn’t replace them with any missionaries. So now my comp and I have to take care of their area with the sisters. So now we have a lot more members to visit. A couple of them should be active haha. Also since the Elders left I now have a “sistrict” which means my whole district is sisters... also that means no exchanges for a whole transfer.
As you may recall we had a recent convert named Orly. Well the rest of her family is opening up and really wants to learn. Her grand daughter Hanaly has come to church like 10 times and loves it! So we have been teaching 3 more people in that family and they are all progressing like crazy. The youngest one is 11 and in 4 days she read 100 pages of the children’s Book of Mormon. She is the best. We put Hanaly on date for Nov 23rd and the other 2 accepted baptism but since they haven’t been to church yet, they didn’t want to plan a specific date. Super pumped for them!
My comp and I have been doing morning workouts outside and we have been running as well. So before the mission my fastest mile was 7 min and 50 seconds... (yeah I know super bad). Well I just set my new record for a mile!.I got a 6 min mile! Almost a 2 min improvement!
Sorry you guys prob don’t care but i was psyched!
Well the times is flying by it feels like p day comes every other day and I’m not sure what new things have happened but I try not to bore you guys. I will give you all the same invitation we give to everyone. Sometime this week I want you all to read Moroni 10: 3-5 and no matter how strong your testimony of the Book of Mormon is I want you to kneel down and ask God if the Book of Mormon is true . Don’t get up until you get an answer from the Holy Ghost. I testify that the Book of Mormon is true and has changed my life and can change yours if you allow it to. I love you all and have a great week!
Elder Mason Davis
Passaic, New Jersey
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