Thursday, July 27, 2017

Email - Missionaries Went Missing So I Became A Detective

Weekly update for July 10th-16th

I hope you guys aren't cooking too bad back in AZ right now. You guys sent me some of the heat. It's pretty warm here too. 

Weekly bullet points:
So last p day, we woke up and soon after, the zone leaders called us and told me to drive over to Jersey City and check on the Jersey City Elders because no body had heard from them in like 20 hours. So we drove out there and went into their apartment and to our surprise nobody was there! I was a little shocked and got a little nervous for them. So we turned into detectives looking for any clue. We went into the bathroom and turns out the shower was completely dry! So that means they hadn't showered that morning. Then I saw that one of their beds was completely stripped... if your really smart you would know what's going down right now. So we called the zone leaders and told them what we found and we all decided that they must be doing laundry. So we spent the next hour walking to the closest laundry mats. Turns out they had just lost their phone and were doing laundry.  So they didn't die and everything ended well.

I went on an exchange with the new missionary Elder Kim and apparently like 30 percent of Koreans have the last name Kim... fun fact for ya. I was his first exchange ever so I made sure he would have a great time and learn a lot! We worked our bums off! It was a little weird because all the lessons we had were in Spanish and he doesn't speak that haha so I would just teach the whole time by myself. We also got fed 3 times. That's not super uncommon, but that's probably why I've gained 25 pounds in my mission... we brought a member to a lesson with us and she shared powerful testimony and we put the 4 adults that were there on date. They are super awesome! Next step, church. 

We had 27 people in English class this week which was super awesome! We brought a whole family who were members and at the end we shared a 3 minute video about the plan of salvation. At the end, the father and mother got up and bore their testimony about how this church and this gospel changes lives and families for the better. It was super awesome.  Member missionary work creates miracles.

We did lots of contacting and it rained a lot so a good majority of the time we were riding our bikes in the pouring rain. #missionarylife

We went to a big park right by our house and about 75% of the people that were there only spoke Arabic. Lots of Egyptians live here. So, since we teach all people not just the Spanish ones, we have been contacting those who speak English or Spanish.  We also met an awesome guy from Iraq and talked about what we do and how it could bless his life, he was so excited and said we were an answer to his prayers and he wanted us to come back to his house.  We told him we would bring him a Book of Mormon in Arabic. I'm super excited to see where this goes. His name is Hashim if you guys want to keep him in your prayers! 

Well I put a few long stories so I don't want to take up too much of your time and bore you too death so I'm gunna end it there. I love you all and I hope you guys have a great week. Keep working hard, keep your standards high, and know that you have a loving Heavenly Father who watches over you each and every day! Say your prayers. Until we talk again. 

Elder Mason Davis

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