Weekly update for July 17th-23rd
Well I'm sad to say that I'm officially more than half way done with my mission! On July 26th I'll hit my 1 year mark but I come home next July 11th. So on July 19th I was officially 50% of the way done. Super sad to think that I only get 1 more year. Time flies on the mission. It's just going faster and faster.
Well now on to my weekly points.
I had another district meeting and I'm really starting to feel comfortable with giving them and asking good questions to make sure my district learns. I like it a lot! :)
After district meeting I was told I had a ton of packages and letters so I was super excited! My family sent me a few things to celebrate 1 year and a ton of letters! My mom called it my "Fisher of Men" package. I got tons of food, a fishing shirt, fishing hat, new cologne and jandals.
I'm so thankful for the family and friends I have! I LOVE you all!! ❤️❤️
My new jandals in one of my packages
My comp - Yep, he's eating mayo. 😝
I had an exchange with Elder Stinger and he was in the Navy for 4 years before he came on the mission. I believe he was 26 years old. We had a pretty good day but got juked a lot!
We have a new investigator named Cindy and she is super solid. She read from the Book of Mormon a ton and read up to chapter 12 in 3 days. She really likes it. She doesn't speak much English so that's chill. Hopefully she will progress and come to church next Sunday.
Again we spent many hours contacting and looking hard for the prepared!! We got juked by so many appointments, It's sad when people seem so interested and you never get to see them again because they don't answer the door or phone.
A member pulled out some of the guns he had and it was super cool to see guns for the first time in a year. We talked about guns and my life before the mission.
I'm so thankful for the mission and all that it has done for me. I've grown in so many ways. Both spiritually and physically. I left at 140 pounds and now I'm 170. (A lot of it is muscle, I always say that I'm getting fat but to be honest I needed a lot of the weight that I gained and I've gotten a lot stronger and bigger with muscles! ;)
I definitely have gotten more facial hair too, so I don't know if that's bad or good.
I've learned so much about the Book of Mormon that I would have never learned in any other place or time! I am truly so thankful for the Book of Mormon and all those who made huge sacrifices so that we could have it today. I know so much more about the gospel that has changed my life. I know the reason for a lot of the commandments we have and how forgiving and merciful Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are to us! I've learned how to really pray and listen to the spirit. I'm still continually learning these things every day and this past year has changed eternity for me. I'm so thankful for this opportunity I've been given! I can honestly say I have no idea where I'd be without the amazing and supportive family I have. My parents did everything they could to make sure I was doing what I should. All my amazing friends I had growing up also had a big part n my life. I loved this last year so much and can't wait to see what this next year will bring. I love you all so much. Thank you for all you kind words and support.
New Jersey Morristown Mission for life!! NJMM4life
Random pics
Elder Mason Davis
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