MONDAY: We woke up and did studies while we washed clothes and after that we went over to the library since my comp would rather email on a computer. Idk why... anyway we then headed over to Walmart and I barely got any groceries since I still have so much! After we ate lunch, we headed over to the church to play some basketball and right before we got there I looked down and realized I was wearing my slippers.... luckily someone had extra basketball shoes for me though! After p day we had a nice family home evening with Karrel and Diego about the plan of salvation and they seemed to understand it well! We played headbands for a little bit after and that was a good time! We changed their baptismal date to the 1st of January since they are usually busy and haven't been able to teach them all we need to. But that is going to be an awesome way to start the year for them! We also had una cita with the only recent convert in our area and her mom. We talked about the real meaning of Christmas and all the blessings that come from serving people.
TUESDAY: We had Spanish study and district meeting at the Caldwell chapel. After that we exchanged and Elder Harmon the zone leader in the English speaking mission, came to my area! The only bad part is he doesn't know more than hola in Spanish... most of our appointments juked us so we had quite a bit of free time. We decided to call a bunch of people and try to set up appointments but we didn't have any luck... luckily our dinner appointment never canceled so we drove over to Hermana Zanardos house and she had two of her Portuguese friends over and they only spoke Portuguese... so I had a good conversation with them and Elder Harmon just sat there wondering what the heck we were talking about... before we left we showed the Because Of Him video and talked a bit about it then headed out. We had to go back home to teach English class. That evening a new investigator called me and told me that he wanted to set up another appointment with us soon and he wants to learn more!!
WEDNESDAY: I made Elder Harmon and I some bomb orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast. He goes home in like 2 1/2 weeks so he was telling me that most Elders get lazy their last months but to not do that and to work hard until the end! We drove 30 min to meet half way to exchange back and when we exchanged, he went to get all his bedding and stuff he had brought and realized he left it at my house... we ended up having to meet him back there a couple hours later with it! We visited a potential investigator and I talk with his dad and found out he loves fishing so we had a good conversation and then shared a message and they said they would be fine to have us back again! We then stopped by Ronny's and we were gunna play a video through his tv but his tv wouldn't turn on. We tried fixing it for a while but couldn't figure out what the problem was. He was pretty upset. On the way home I saw a nice buck so that was cool!
THURSDAY: We had one of brother Thomas' lessons again and it was good. He pointed out we need to use the scriptures more. We then had to pick up some pizza for the members and went over there and ate it. We get quite a bit of pizza here. Easily every week!! We went over to the Boggios after that and we talked about a lot of words Peruvians use and just random culture stuff and then had a good lesson about member missionary work! After the lesson he messaged a person he knew a long time ago the Because Of Him video.
FRIDAY: We went back to Bridges to serve as we always do weekly and afterward they gave me a nice sweater since they said they have too much and a nice fleece jacket! Also since I need basketball shoes they gave me a pair! They love having us help them out and I love helping them!! We then came home and called almost everyone in our area book. Like 100 people and only set up like 2 appointments.... so we got out and started visiting people and stopping by to see who was home. We then had a dinner appointment and the mom was asking me how much I missed my family and stuff haha. Then Ronny told us that we were trying to get the video playing on his tv and it hasn't worked since and now we have to get him a new one.... we were so confused.
SATURDAY: We went and played frisbee in the morning and it was cold and raining but we all had a great time! We made some brownies and gave them to a less active member who was sick. We also went over to Ronny and Lady's house to fix the tv and right when we walked in I felt like I needed to look on the bottom and right when I did I saw a switch. I switched it and the tv came on!! We then taught them the restoration and about the Book of Mormon and we put them on date to be baptized the 8th of January and they said yes!!! I'm so glad they made the choice to say yes!! Now we just have to do all we can to make sure they get baptized! What better Christmas present could I have?!?
SUNDAY: CHRISTMAS day!!!! I woke up and opened my presents and then I made me and my comp a nice breakfast! Biscuits and gravy with spicy sausage ;)
we then had church and it was only one hour and combined with the English ward! After church we headed over to the Whitneys house and I got to skype my family!! It honestly was a little weird the first couple seconds since I hadn't heard their voices in 5 months!!! They all look a little different. For dinner we picked up food and also Ronny made us some food. The egg was almost raw... it was definitely a lot different not having Christmas with the family but there is no place I'd rather be! Bringing other families together for eternity!! MERRY "CHRIST"mas everyone!! I love you all!!!
Some of the treats that came in my Christmas packages :)
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