Saturday, January 28, 2017

Email - The bird looks like Trump!

Weekly update January 8th- 15th

I started my second transfer here in Short Hills which I'm super pumped about it! Elder Ruiz Casas and I get along really well. We are both goof balls, so it works out well. When we woke up it was 3 degrees but the windchill was -9!

  We had this super nasty looking dinner but it was actually pretty good.  (It happens often! I think the Lord is blessing me with the gift of tongues, to eat weird foods)

On Tuesday the new missionaries got here!! None were from AZ sadly.  But, there is an elder that came in who is 6'6" and at least 300 pounds!! My comp and I are teaching a cool family but the mom is hard core catholic... we have been teaching them with the Bible so she will believe us. The husband understands a lot but she is having a hard time believing what we are teaching her. It's so hard to get people to keep commitments and to come to church in this area.  We met a solid family who has been to church back in Costa Rica for like 8 months!! They have a bird that has hair that looks just like trump!!! That's the birds name hahaha.

We have been visiting lots of former contacts which are people that have met with the missionaries before.  We have picked up like 6 more people to teach. It's been super sick! 
My comp had a 7 hour meeting so I got put with a greenie for most of the day. Most of the day we were doing service so it went fast! We went to Chick Fil A for lunch, so that was a highlight of the week.  People are giving us chocolates like crazy since everyone got chocolates for Christmas...  
We played Frisbee and by the end of our game, my legs were so sore! I'm not gaining weight anymore so that's good news. I've been trying to not eat as much junk food and as much food in general! I feel a lot better when I do that. 

We then had a less active tell us she was going make breakfast for us and to come over... so we did! We got there and said she had to shower and told me to start making breakfast for everyone and for my comp to do the dishes.... so we did haha she's crazy! Later that night we met Gladys and she is a super golden investigator. We taught her about the nature of God and got to know her better. She even came to church the next day! We also had 2 less actives who we have been working with for a while come to church. One of them hasn't been in like 10 years!!! 
I love the mission! Before I know it my two years will be up.  Time is flying!

Love you all! 
Elder Mason Davis

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