Monday, September 11, 2017

Email - I Touched A Groundhog!

Weekly update for August 28th - Sept. 3rd

- Just funny pics from the stuff we find on the sidewalks everyday -

Well nothing too crazy happened this week. 

I got to go fishing for a couple hours last week at the Passaic river! Everyone thinks it's a nasty river but I thought it was pretty clear! Lots of trash but the water looked pretty good! I caught quite a few fish and it was tons of fun! 

- Fishing trip on P-Day -

We had a family home evening and the Mexican family there made us some chicken enchiladas and they were possibly the hottest thing I've had! Many of the Spanish people there were suffering.

I went on an exchange with elder Layton from Thatcher Arizona and we are going to be best friends when we go home. We get along so well. I went over to Englewood with him. That's where the Korean missionaries serve. 

So Wyatt is doing good. Since his church attendance has been weak we moved his baptismal date for September 17! Pray everything goes well.

We are teaching two new super awesome people. Rosa and Sari. They are both doing great! Keep them in your prayers as well.

I touched a woodchuck/ groundhog today :)  

So the member that we found who hasn't been to church in 4 years came to church with us. She loved it so much and got up and bore her testimony. I'm so glad I listened to the spirit to find her.

Well that's about it for this week.The mission is so awesome. No where else I'd rather be right now than Passaic, New Jersey teaching the Hispanic people. I love you all and have a great week and try and find some service to do for someone! 

Send me mail!  I miss you all, but know there is no better place for me to be. 

Elder Mason Davis (Passaic New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

Elder Mason Tanner Davis
New Jersey Morristown Mission
5 Cold Hill Rd S Ste 10
Mendham, NJ 07945

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