Friday, September 22, 2017

Email - Milk with maggots. Ewww

Weekly update for September 11th -17th

September 11th, at 9:11 AM.  

~Twas a great week and I received pretty big news~

On Wednesday at exactly 9:38 pm, I got a call from my Mission President.  He asked me to train a new missionary that will be coming in on Tuesday! (Tomorrow).  There is only 2 Spanish missionaries coming in so I'll be training one and the AP that just got released will be training the other one. I'm super pumped. Also, 1 of the new missionaries is from my school.  Elder Nate Fletcher. He is the grandson of a couple in my ward at home (Jerry and Elizabeth Bliss). So, it's a 50% chance that I train him. You won't know until next week tho! ;) 

We have an awesome investigator named Orly and she is on date for October 7th! She is like already a member because she is so awesome. Also, her grand daughter and her friend are super cool and we will start working with them soon. 

We had service at the food bank and there was a milk jug that was up on the shelves that you don't need to refrigerate and it had a hole in it... it was full of maggots and it stunk so bad! Super nasty!!

We got some bad news with Wyatt... his parents decided that he isn't allowed to come to church or meet with us anymore. So his baptism isn't going to happen.... my comp cried a lot... it was super sad to find out. 

There is a member that's feeds us like every week and he always has groceries and stuff for us. He gave us tons of soap and laundry detergent. He always hooks us up with lots of good stuff. I love the members here.

On Sunday we had stake conference so we took a bus as a ward over to the Morristown, NJ chapel. It was a great time and there were tons of people. It reminded me of a ward from back home. Most of the time it's branches and small wards here. Usually less than 100 active members. I was in a branch of 30 active in Short Hills. 

On Sunday night while eating food at a members house I got a call from President and he asked me to be district leader as well.  This will be hard having both assignments but it will be a great time to grow a lot and learn a lot. I'm so excited to see what happens. 
It was a great week and I can't wait to see what will happen over the next 12 weeks with my new greenie. Keep reading the Book of Mormon it will change your life!

Now for a few random pics from this week.....



Elders with new clothes.  Thanks to these amazing members!

My last couple days with this crazy kid.  Elder Diewald. 
 "Wow, he can sure drink a lot of water". 🚰🤣

Elder Mason Davis (Passaic, New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

Email - Elotes (Corn From Nacho Libre) Is "DA BEST"

Weekly update for September 4th -10th

''It was a good week full of work in the Lords vineyard!

I was able to go to New City, New York on an exchange with a Haitian elder named Elder John Baptist. He now goes home in 1 week. I was his last exchange and we had a great time. Most of the lessons were in French or Creole, so I had no idea what was going on. So, I just sat there and smiled :).  For personal study the next day we went to the church.  But, when we came out Elder Baptists car, it was dead.... we had to wait 1 hour for other Sister missionaries to bring us jumper cables... that was one for the books.

School just started here so I got to give a few kids school blessings... they didn't have fathers who were in the church... it really helped me realize how blessed I was to be raised in a house where I had a worthy Priesthood holder as a father. It motivated me even more to make sure I'm a worthy priesthood holder to my future family.

A member asked us to help them move this week.  He said it was a couple things... 4 1/2 hours later,  we had unloaded his whole entire house into a moving truck. He wasn't even pre-packed... I'm glad I was able to do some service tho. Just an FYI, If you ever need help moving,  BE READY AND PACKED!  hahha

Elder Diewald was pretty wiped out after. 

Some guys selling elotes (the corn from Nacho Libre. The one that he throws in that guys eye, yes that very corn). The seller gave Elder Diewald and I free elotes! He was a true homie! Elotes are the "Da Best".  Said in my best Nacho Libre accent. 

On Saturday a member took us out to a really nice Peruvian sea food restaurant and got us a giant pile of fried sea food! It was delicious! I miss good fish. Then later that night a Colombian member took us out to eat Colombian food. The meal was called a bandeja paisa. Delicious as well! People wonder how missionaries gain weight... now you know.

Fried Seafood 🐟🍤🐙

Well that's all the story worthy stuff that happened this week. My invitation to you all this week is to not just read from the Book of Mormon daily but to study the Book of Mormon! It will change your life. I love you all and feel all your love and support! Oh yeah I only have 10 months from today. 10 months left! Time flies.

Don't forget to send me mail too.  I love getting letters from home!

Elder Mason Davis (Passaic New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

Monday, September 11, 2017

Email - I Touched A Groundhog!

Weekly update for August 28th - Sept. 3rd

- Just funny pics from the stuff we find on the sidewalks everyday -

Well nothing too crazy happened this week. 

I got to go fishing for a couple hours last week at the Passaic river! Everyone thinks it's a nasty river but I thought it was pretty clear! Lots of trash but the water looked pretty good! I caught quite a few fish and it was tons of fun! 

- Fishing trip on P-Day -

We had a family home evening and the Mexican family there made us some chicken enchiladas and they were possibly the hottest thing I've had! Many of the Spanish people there were suffering.

I went on an exchange with elder Layton from Thatcher Arizona and we are going to be best friends when we go home. We get along so well. I went over to Englewood with him. That's where the Korean missionaries serve. 

So Wyatt is doing good. Since his church attendance has been weak we moved his baptismal date for September 17! Pray everything goes well.

We are teaching two new super awesome people. Rosa and Sari. They are both doing great! Keep them in your prayers as well.

I touched a woodchuck/ groundhog today :)  

So the member that we found who hasn't been to church in 4 years came to church with us. She loved it so much and got up and bore her testimony. I'm so glad I listened to the spirit to find her.

Well that's about it for this week.The mission is so awesome. No where else I'd rather be right now than Passaic, New Jersey teaching the Hispanic people. I love you all and have a great week and try and find some service to do for someone! 

Send me mail!  I miss you all, but know there is no better place for me to be. 

Elder Mason Davis (Passaic New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

Elder Mason Tanner Davis
New Jersey Morristown Mission
5 Cold Hill Rd S Ste 10
Mendham, NJ 07945

Email - Total Eclipse (And People Think Missionaries Are Weird)

Weekly update for August 21st-27th

Cool art work on a wall!

Cómo están mis amigos! It was another great week here working in the lords vineyard! Lots of work and talking to people! Just a warning this letter is kinda long...

So as you all know there was an eclipse.... that's what I've been told... I kinda saw it looking through my comps sun glasses. It was cool I guess.... the streets were lined with people by the thousands! All with 3D glasses (that's what they looked like) just staring into the sun, and people say missionaries look weird? :-/ 

People dressing up for the eclipse

I'm not sure if I told you about my skin and how it's really rough, but it is! Since that rash it's like all my skin died and now it's peeling off... well anyway I bough some lotion and my comp is so great that he puts lotion on my back every single night since I can't reach it! Haha I told him "they always say that the mission prepares you for marriage, bet you never thought it meant it this literally!" Haha we got a good laugh out of it. FYI my skin is getting much better! I'm hoping it will be back to normal by next p day! 

So district meeting had a big change. The zone doesn't meet up anymore after district meeting for lunch. In fact they don't even do them the same time or the same place. So we only get to see our zone 1 time a month.  The brethren want missionaries to interact less with their district and zone but only with their companion.  There's been quite a few changes, but you guys don't wanna hear this kinda stuff.

I had an exchange with my old comp Elder Ruiz Casas! I was with him for 4 1/2 months! We had a great day! 4 of our 6 appointments happened. We met with awesome people. We taught simply and used lots of scriptures. We got 2 new investigators. We had a lesson with Wyatt as well. He is doing alright. He really wants to be baptized, but he just isn't doing much. He didn't come to church for the past 2 weeks for dumb reasons. His mom said she will only let him be baptized if he shows real interested and is committed to the church. He is not showing that to her. So we will see if he gets baptized this month of September. Keep his family in your prayers! 

Here's a crazy story/miracle. So on Friday we had an appointment with a lady we met on the street a couple days before. When we got to her house there was another lady standing there. She said, "I'm already a member of you church".  She proceeded to tell us that she had moved here from Bolivia 4 years ago and hasn't been to church since. She said in Bolivia she was completely active and was born in the church. She even had 2 kids serve missions. One of them just got back like 2 years ago. She said that she has never seen missionaries which is weird because we walk past her house like every day. Well anyway, we began to teach a lesson and she leaves and comes back with 2 people and said, "I know how this stuff works".  Haha already a member missionary! Super cool! She will be to church soon! 
Another miracle. So we were walking down the road and a member from the other Elders branch drove by and he was like get in the car we're going to get some food. So, we looked at each other and just thought, "ok?" And while he was driving us to get food we passed the other Elders on the street and he had them jump in as well and took all 4 of us out to eat! Lots of great Mexican food. 

I had to give a talk. I decided that I should talk on the power of the Book of Mormon and the importance of member missionary work together. It was good. People always tell me I have Spain Spanish haha I guess I can take that as a compliment. Lots of people on the street don't think I'm agringo. ;) We also got to bring 2 different families to sacrament! It's always great to be able to do that :)

So there's a video called Earthly father, Heavenly Father. I invite all you who are reading this to share this with your father. It's a great Mormon Message about the importance of our Earthly father and our Heavenly Father and the great example they are to us. It could go with the mother just as well. The mother does just as important work and is just as much as an example. The video just happens to be on the father. 

Now for a little spiritual time since I don't put much spiritual stuff in...  so there are many days as missionaries when the work and negativity of the people around you can get to you. When nobody wants to listen and closes the door. So I was reading a scripture in Helaman 10 that I want to share. It really helped me and can help anyone in all aspects of life. 
"Blessed art thou, Nephi, for those things which thou hast done; for I have beheld how thou hast with unwariness declared the word, which I have given unto thee, unto this people. And thou hast not feared them, and hast not sought thine own life, but hast sought my will, and to keep my commandments. And now, because thou hast done this with such unwariness, behold, I will bless thee forever; and I will make thee mighty in word and in deed, in faith and in works; yea, even that all things shall be done unto thee according to thy word, for thou shalt not ask that which is contrary to my will".

Well I'm sorry if this letter is too long! If you made it this far you are the true MVP! I love you all and have a great week and look for those in need! Pray for someone to be placed in your path!

Misc Pics from this week: 

What can happen to your AC on a hot day

Tag with all my comps etched in on the back