Weekly update for April 24th- 30th
Weekly bullet points:
➠I ate crickets again during Spanish study. The Mexicans in our zone brought them. FYI...they were just as gross as last time I tried them.
➠My MTC comp elder Taylor and I went on an exchange. He came to my area. We had a day full of work and trying to find people to teach. For a snack before dinner I showed him a secret cereal trick my comp showed me. We melted peanut butter and poured some of it onto the Cinnamon Toast Crunch. So good!!
➠We made a box into a super cool thing that projects the plan of salvation onto the roof when it's dark. Hopefully we will be able to use it soon.
➠As many of you probably know, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer... it was a very scary call to receive. I was super scared and shaken up so I went to my room and knelt down and prayed. I instantly felt peace and comfort and knew that everything would be alright. I'm so glad to be able to have the Holy Ghost to comfort me!
(It would mean a lot if you could keep my momma in your prayers each night :)
➠New Jersey is getting so beautiful! The trees are all turning green and all the trees are covered in flowers of all different colors. This earth is amazing!
➠We found a cool new investigator that we have taught 1 time. My comp got some funny pics of her as I was teaching her how to pray. He couldn't stop laughing at these pics!
➠We did quite a bit of street contacting and tried to find new people for a lot of the time!
➠We had a good game of Frisbee and my ankle is a little sore from playing soccer every day at 6 in the morning. I'm not good at it but maybe by the time I get home I will be!
➠Our investigator Victor Castello came to church! This is his 3rd week in a row. The only thing that is holding him back from baptism is a testimony of the Book of Mormon. So,could you add that to the list of things in your prayers? I know this gospel will change his life for the better.
I love you all and the mission is going great. I hit my 9 month mark already. That's so crazy! Best 9 months of my life and I've got like 15 more. Even though not many people want to listen or do what we ask, I've seen so many blessings with both me and my family from doing what the Lord wants me to do.
I invite you all to make whatever sacrifices it takes to read the scriptures for at least 5 minutes a day, pray each morning and night on your knees, and try to go to the temple at least every other week.
As a representative of Jesus Christ I can promise you that if you do these things, you will feel the love of God stronger in your life and you will see so many more blessings. God is waiting to pour down blessings upon us. I hope you all have a great week. Love you all!
Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9
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