Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Email - The Miracle Story of My Whole Mission (Who knows it could have been an angel)!

weekly update for march 20th-26th

Bullet points for this week:

➤I hit my 8 month mark in the mission!! Time flies 
when you work for the lord ;) 

➤I bought a fishing pole. Now I can go fishing again!
 Nobody likes fishing in Jersey tho... 

➤I went on an exchange to an apartment where both of the missionaries go home in 2 weeks... it was the dirties house I've ever been in and I felt disgusting haha. 
(Here's a pic of the potatoes I found in their house)!

➤We spent lots of time knocking doors and looking for new people to teach and we found quite a few new investigators!! Short Hills is waking up again!! 

➤My good old friends/neighbors, Sal and Ange Alcantar came here and took me and my comp out to lunch.

  ➤The Alcantar's had also brought some treats from home and hand delivered some of my favorite goodies sent from heaven (my mom)  

P.S. Mom I've been eating them every day and they are delicious;) 

➤We helped a member clean up her backyard and she took us out to get some Colombian food after! 

➤Now it's time for the miracle story of my whole mission 
So, during the middle of the week we were visiting people and knocking doors. We see an old Hispanic lady walking down the road so we contact her and tell her what we do as missionaries. She was very happy to meet us and told us she had recently gotten here from Guatemala. She told us her name was Maria and she gave us her address and told us to stop by on Sunday. So Sunday came along and we brought a member with us and we went to the house to find Maria. We knocked on the door and a younger lady answered the door and we introduced ourselves and asked if Maria was home. She then looked at us and said, "I'm Maria". We were so confused so we asked if her mom lived here or if there was any other Maria's but she said she was the only one... We were then invited into the home of 3 individuals living there and started with a typical first discussion. We taught about the Book of Mormon and read the intro with them and they loved it! They accepted a baptismal date for Easter!! We were so confused as to who that really old lady we met on the road was and said her name was Maria and sent us to that house to find 3 people who were ready to accept the gospel. One being Maria. I believe that this person was placed in our path for a reason and who knows, it could have been an angel who was sent to tell us we needed to find this girl Maria and teach her. 
Miracles are real and the Lord is in the details. It strengthened my testimony so much and I'm so excited to continue to teach them and see what comes from it! I love you all so much and I hope you have an awesome week. Stay strong!

 My missionay companion Elder Ruiz-Casas

Elder Mason Davis 

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