Friday, January 12, 2018

Email - Coldest Winter in 200 Years

Weekly update for January 1st - 7th, 2018

FELIZ AÑO NUEVO!! WOW time has been flying by and we are officially in 2018! New year, new me right? Haha, but honestly, I know that its super basic to say that but think about it. This is a great time for all of us to start new and set goals that we want to accomplish. We are all at different stages of life but I invite you all to set a goal of reading the Book of Mormon daily, your life will change for the better. 

Well most of this week the wind chill never got above 0 degrees so to say the least it was a very chilly week! I was told that this has been the coldest winter in Jersey in 200 years! Whenever I thought I was cold I would just think about my friend in Minnesota or Canada where they are not getting above -30.... nasty!

 So mom, this part is for you, I’ve always had a hankerin for corn bread, so I decided I would make some. I will attach a picture of the delicious corn bread I made! It’s been a while since I have made it but I think I nailed it! #ChefDavis 

This is the picture he attached.  Looks like bread to me. 😀

We have been doing lots of door knocking and Facebook proselytizing and have found some awesome people who are progressing. So many people want to know more about the Book of Mormon! The signs are being fulfilled. People are turning to God. I’m so thankful to be part of this work during this amazing time as the Savior is getting closer and closer. It’s very humbling to know that he has trusted me to be a harvester in his vineyard during this monumental time of the last days. 

      I’m very sad to have heard about the passing of president Thomas Spencer Monson. I know he is needed where he is and is happy to be able to see his dear wife again, to never again be separated. I love our prophet, seer, and revelator. He will be in our hearts forever. Pray for our new prophet Elder Nelson as he has this huge calling to guide the Lords kingdom here on the earth. I love and support or prophet. 

    Well this is my letter for this week! Congrats to any of you who made it to the end of this letter and I really congratulate you if you still read my emails!

 Have a great week. Love everyone and serve. #WWJD 

26 weeks until I get to say hi face to face!! 

Elder Mason Tanner Davis

Email - I Rang In The New Year With The Sirens Passing By

 New Years Day! 
December 25th, 2017 - January 1st, 2018 Update

Happy New Year! this week was great! Super cold, but still great. We had a few days in the negatives, but I have friends serving in Canada and Minnesota were they are at like negative 50. I guess I have no room to complain.

 Even thought this week was super cold we were able to get some new investigators.  That always helps the work move along. 

I'm sorry I wont have any pictures this week since i don't have my iPad. I was going crazy and typing random stuff and going into random apps, so I called the mission office and they said they think I had been hacked. They thought that someone was on my i pad.  Because of that, they made me turn it off until they figured out the problem.  So, now I have to type on a computer which I haven't done in a long time.  I guess I've got to get over it. 

New Years Eve is so different as a missionary as are all holidays.  On New Years Eve we went to bed at 10:30, so we didn't get to see any of the craziness or the fireworks that were being let off. I was woken up at 1 am tho, because of all the sirens passing by, so I guess that's how I rung in my 2018.  Only 1 hour later than everyone else. 

I invite you all to prayerfully think of at least 1 spiritual goal you have for this year. I challenge you all to do everything you can to meet it and to grow in some way closer to your Father in Heaven and your older brother Jesus Christ.

 I'm so happy to be a missionary and to be able to light the world every day. I am sorry this weekly was kinda lame but nothing too interesting happened this week... i love you all so much and hope you have a great week and a great year. Happy 2018! 

Email - White Christmas


This week has been super good! We have been working really hard and have made some good progress in lighting the world! 

Ever since I got here, our relationship with the members hasn't been the best. It has been really hard to get legitimate member involvement and the ward isn't really functioning correctly. Thus, for this week, we focused a lot on the members and how we could brighten their days. We made a lot of treats and gave them to members while caroling to them. That was really fun.

 We got together with the Sisters and the senior couple of the area and spent about 5 hours caroling to people over two nights.

Christmas Zone Conference

In terms of investigators, not much happened. We are still working with Patty and she is doing well. Melanie and Hanelly are certainly being tried and tested already but are still doing well. We will meet with them on Thursday.

This Christmas has been good. We had a white Christmas! So far we have eaten breakfast at our Bishop's house, opened presents, and, by far the best, I got to video chat with my family. It was so good to talk and catch up with them. Although I am not with them for this Christmas, I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to talk with them. 
Anyway, all of my prayers and Christmas wishes go out to all.

Some of my random cooking pics.  Thanks mom for the beef stew recipe! 

Elder Mason Tanner Davis