Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Email - I'm Like 53% Sure He Will Be An Apostle Some Day

Weekly update for march 13th-19th

Well here we are again! Another día de preparación! Hope you guys enjoyed your heat while I was in a blizzard :-)

Bullet points for this week:
*We spent tons of time helping brother Thomas pack since he is moving to Montana! He is one of the coolest guys ever and I'm like 53% sure that he will be an apostle some day! 

*We had a flippin blizzard!The first one in my mission! They forecasted 18-24 inches of snow but I think we only got about 12 inches. Yeah I was bummed we didn't get like 6 feet.

*So we loaded up Brother Thomas' giant u haul for like 6 hours and he drove it home during the blizzard. It was weird seeing noone on the road. The saddest part was, when we got home, we opened the back and everything we packed like sardines turned into an avalanche in the back. 

*We spent lots of time knocking doors and finding more people to teach! Found quite a few potentials! :-) 

*We taught English class to a super cool guy who is being taught by the Caldwell missionaries. The only thing that keeps him from baptism is working on Sundays, but his day will come! 

*We drove out to Patterson, NJ and had our zone meeting.  It was super awesome!

Elder Marz and I at Zone Conference

* I also got a package from the best chica ever! My Momma. It was full of all sorts of goodies to help me get fat and much more. I have the best mom in the whole world! (PS Mom, I'm wearing the basketball clothes you sent me right now) 

*I went on an exchange with Elder Trash for the 4th time my mission! We had a lesson with a super golden family and had an awesome dinner! I also found a Dominican who's car was stuck in the snow and we got him out and  I shared a quick message and he accepted to have the Patterson Spanish missionaries come over! #whammy 

*I found a few more people to teach through Facebook! Having an I pad to find people and share the gospel is an awesome blessing! It's so easy! Try it out.

*We were knocking doors and found a Jamaican guy who let us in and after talking with him I saw a Book of Mormon and an Ensign on his desk. We found out his daughter is a member, Haha it was so funny because I think he has short term memory loss or something because he told us the same stories like 5 times and asked the same question. Haha #welcometojersey 

Well I love you all so much. I challenge you all to share a Mormon message with someone this week who you feel could use it! Some awesome videos to use are Mountains to Climb and Because of Him... tell me how it goes. That's missionary work. That's what Heavenly Father wants us all to do for our whole life. It will bring you so much joy I promise. Well have a great week lovely people. Until next week :) 

A couple other random shots from this week: 


New fishing pole and license :)

Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Email - Who Would Have Thought Powdered Worm Was So Good?

Weekly email for March 6th- 12th

I'm just going to post the cool stuff that happened this week so I don't bore you guys with the same stuff that goes on every day. 

Well on p day one of the sisters in our zone is Mexican and she brought us some worm powder... yes it's exactly what it sounds like... powdered worms... and you know me, I had to try it so I did and it was surprisingly good! She said she puts it on everything haha. 
We had another awesome lesson with Emiliano and things were going so well until a couple days later he texted us out of the blue and told us he didn't want to talk with us anymore and he needed some time... I've never had a girlfriend but I guess this is what a breakup would feel like... except like 100% worse because it's about someone's salvation!
 But I do think he will be baptized in this life:) 

When we got to district meeting there was 4 deer up the hill so of course I had to go see them and I got about 10 years from them before they slowly walked away! 
Because our car was in the shop and we couldn't find anyone to give us a ride, (we called all the English and Spanish members) we had a nice 3 1/2 mile walk over to a investigators house to teach a lesson! I got to feel what it's like to not have a car. I didn't mind it much and like 1/4 mile of it the google maps took us through the woods on a hiking trail haha. 

We use Facebook to find investigators and share the gospel and I found a less active member who moved here from Peru and nobody knew about him. So we got over there and talked to him and the rest of his family aren't members. He wants to come to church again too. Also he's blind in 1 eye and only has 1 thumb. He said that,s part of the reason he had to get out of Peru, it was super bad and dangerous! 

While we were knocking doors there was this little dark boy who would follow us around (he's like 6 or something) and he had a nerf gun and was saying all this "threatening" stuff to us if we ever came back. Every time we turned around he was looking up at us from behind a tree or hiding behind something.

So the kid that got hurt from running into me at Frisbee last week actually ended up spraining his ankle super bad and can't walk without crutches for 3 weeks! Bummer. I felt super bad. 
Well I think that's all the interesting stuff that happened this week. I love you all and hope that you guys are gunna have a nice warm day tomorrow in AZ, because tomorrow it's supposed to snow anywhere from 18-24 inches here. I'm so pumped. It's gunna be my first real big snow storm. Everyone's getting prepared and all upset and scared and I feel like Christmas is tomorrow.

 If you aren't reading the scriptures and praying daily, start today! I promise that it will make your day so much better if you start it with a prayer! And don't forget to listen to the prompting of the Holy Ghost to guide and protect you. Have a great week y'all.

Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9

Email - They Had Clowns And It Was Way Weird

Weekly update February 27th- March 5th

This p day was a little different. We didn't go to the chapel to ball it up... I got like 85 pictures from my mission printed out and put them in a photo album that I'm going to start making of my mission. We did go to our chapel and played volleyball with a few of our members friends and stuff. It didn't go too well since none of them tried at all but hey that's alright :/. We had a good dinner at the Fuentes and shared with them how easy it is to share the gospel with social media in a matter of minutes! I wish I did that more when I was home! 

We had a super good district meeting about repentance, faith, and the atonement. After lunch we had a little training on how to help people repent and it was also very good. Repentance is one of the greatest gifts that we have and we should use it daily. We spent a lot of the evening knocking doors and got to share the gospel with a ton of people and got some return appointments. It made me feel good with my Spanish since I did like 90 percent of the talking and conversations. I love sharing the gospel even if I get rejected. I know that I'm doing my part. 

First off congratulations to my cousin Carly Eaves for finishing her mission in Bolivia!! I'm so proud of her and the work she did. I can't believe it's already March. What happened to the first 2 months of the year?! We had a lesson with Ruben, our awesome less active who still reads the Book of Mormon each week. He is awesome. He just works every Sunday, like 99.99999% of the people here in New Jersey.  Later that evening we had a great lesson with Emiliano about the power of the Book of Mormon and the importance of it to us as a family. It was super powerful and the spirit was so strong. He easily committed to read, ponder and pray about the Book of Mormon to know if it is true. Lessons like this make the mission so worth it. Also congrats to my friend Jake McGrath who got his mission call to Ukraine! That's so awesome! He will do awesome.  

The only highlight of the day was when the whole ward and investigators got together and played volleyball! It was tons of fun!! 

So our investigator Carolina moved and we got some super bad directions but we turned into the FBI and used some google earth and we found a house that we decided it could be . So, we drove over then knocked on the door and it was her! Mission miracle.

We played frisbee and it was windy and cold and my comp messed up his knee and someone also tripped over me and messed up his ankle and now they said he won't be able to do anything for like 3 weeks... I felt super bad! 

Well our less actives son had his birthday party so she had us come over and it was crazy... they had clowns and it was way weird!!

 Also there was this guy who is insane because of how much alcohol he drinks. He would randomly scream cuss words and yell super nasty stuff. He was super scary haha. DONT DRINK ALCOHOL PEOPLE!!! He literally has mental problems now and it's not good at all! He told me some pretty disturbing things !Yikes! 

Well a scripture that I found this week and really stuck out to me is Enos 1:26 (read it) I like it so much because it talks about how he preached the gospel his whole life and the gospel brought him joy out of this world. I can testify that sharing the gospel brings me so much joy and watching the gospel change others is a joy you can't feel anywhere else. Be thou an example. Being an example is doing missionary work. I love you all and just want you to know I'm doing great and the mission is awesome!! Talk to y'all next week!

Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9