Weekly update for march 13th-19th
Well here we are again! Another día de preparación! Hope you guys enjoyed your heat while I was in a blizzard :-)
Bullet points for this week:
*We spent tons of time helping brother Thomas pack since he is moving to Montana! He is one of the coolest guys ever and I'm like 53% sure that he will be an apostle some day!
*We had a flippin blizzard!The first one in my mission! They forecasted 18-24 inches of snow but I think we only got about 12 inches. Yeah I was bummed we didn't get like 6 feet.
*So we loaded up Brother Thomas' giant u haul for like 6 hours and he drove it home during the blizzard. It was weird seeing noone on the road. The saddest part was, when we got home, we opened the back and everything we packed like sardines turned into an avalanche in the back.
*We spent lots of time knocking doors and finding more people to teach! Found quite a few potentials! :-)
*We taught English class to a super cool guy who is being taught by the Caldwell missionaries. The only thing that keeps him from baptism is working on Sundays, but his day will come!
*We drove out to Patterson, NJ and had our zone meeting. It was super awesome!
Elder Marz and I at Zone Conference
* I also got a package from the best chica ever! My Momma. It was full of all sorts of goodies to help me get fat and much more. I have the best mom in the whole world! (PS Mom, I'm wearing the basketball clothes you sent me right now)
*I went on an exchange with Elder Trash for the 4th time my mission! We had a lesson with a super golden family and had an awesome dinner! I also found a Dominican who's car was stuck in the snow and we got him out and I shared a quick message and he accepted to have the Patterson Spanish missionaries come over! #whammy
*I found a few more people to teach through Facebook! Having an I pad to find people and share the gospel is an awesome blessing! It's so easy! Try it out.
*We were knocking doors and found a Jamaican guy who let us in and after talking with him I saw a Book of Mormon and an Ensign on his desk. We found out his daughter is a member, Haha it was so funny because I think he has short term memory loss or something because he told us the same stories like 5 times and asked the same question. Haha #welcometojersey
Well I love you all so much. I challenge you all to share a Mormon message with someone this week who you feel could use it! Some awesome videos to use are Mountains to Climb and Because of Him... tell me how it goes. That's missionary work. That's what Heavenly Father wants us all to do for our whole life. It will bring you so much joy I promise. Well have a great week lovely people. Until next week :)
A couple other random shots from this week:
New fishing pole and license :)
Elder Mason Davis (Short hills New Jersey) Joshua 1:9