Well I'm done with week 3 and on to week 4!! I feel like the days are slow but the weeks fly by! We ride bikes a lot! My bike should be in the trash can but hey it's better than nothing. My area is supposed to be a walking mission so I can't complain. And I didn't really hear from anyone about how they liked the style I wrote last time so I guess I'll just keep doing that! Let me know how I can make it better and ask me any questions you want!
MONDAY: Well today was P Day! September 19th so exactly one month before my birthday! As always I got to email and as always I felt like I forgot to mention things but I couldn't really think of anything big... we went shopping and I loaded up on food as usual! There are 2 sodas that I have quite often here that are from Brazil. The first one is guaranĂ¡ and it's super good so I got one of those and the more common one is Inca kola. It is pretty good, it kinda taste like bubble gum but it's yellow... we get it from a cool Brazilian market here! There are tons of fish in the market and it stinks but it was cool to see all the fish! Iv'e attached pictures! Anyway, I got home and put all the food away and started emailing, but it was nice because when someone emails me I just write my response in my notes so on Monday I just copy and paste all the responses. It goes super quick. After that we went to the church and played basketball and dodgeball again! That evening we had a super good lesson with a less active who said they will come to church again! After that we had family home evening at a nonmember/members house. Usually it's just the member and the nonmember but when we showed up there were 14 people! Most were members but it was super cool! After that we all had food and they had corn that each kernel was the size of a grape! It wasn't the best but it was edible! I am always scared when I get fed!
TUESDAY: Started off the day and did language study at the church with all the Spanish missionary's in my zone. After that we had a district meeting for like an hour and a half... it was good except I'm not a huge fan of meetings! After the meeting everyone goes to the kitchen and eats the lunch that we all brought. I made chicken and corn and brought some chips and some cookies from the MTC. After lunch Elder Langi and Elder Quintero exchanged so elder Langi stayed in our apartment and he has one of the best voices I have ever heard! I told him to try out for American Idol when he gets home! When we got back to the apartment my companion and I started calling people trying to set up appointments. We then went to the park to contact and then had to leave because we had English class that we were leading... it made me feel so much better about my Spanish listening to the people here try and say easy words in English! We do English class every Tuesday and Thursday and usually have a couple people show up. After class we had a crazy member tell us to come talk to him outside... and for a certain reason we aren't allowed to have him teach with us or come to the lessons... so he was super mad about that and was yelling and getting super mad that we don't let him teach with us. So he told us to come talk to bishop with him and bishop told him he isn't allowed and that made him super mad so he walked out of the room after arguing more... I was surprised how much of the conversation I understood!
WEDNESDAY: Elder Langi was still at our house so I made him a nice breakfast since I would want someone to do that for me if I was on an exchange! Then we went to that super long meeting again in East Brunswick! It's a little over an hour drive. We usually only have this long meeting once a transfer but they never did it last transfer so they did 2 for this 1... I learned a lot and will try to use the things I learned! We had Costco pizza and cookies for lunch which was bomb! When we got home we went straight to a meeting with Carlos. He lives in Harrison so it was like a 20 min bike ride. After that meeting we told this guy Jose we would give him food on Wednesday so we just gave him the food that a member gave us the day before! Then we went to family home evening with him and it was great! After the meeting I was told I had a couple packages... I didn't think I was getting packages till the 4th of October. But they picked some of them up early! In one of the packages my mom sent she included stuff from my sister Lacey. Lacey had sent me some goodies and when she asked what I wanted a couple weeks ago I said anything! So she got me pork rinds and wrote "you said you wanted anything!" I died laughing when I saw that!
THURSDAY: Today I finally got to do all the studying that we are supposed to do! In my package I also got a pack of 4 books. "True to the faith, Jesus the Christ, our heritage, and our search for happiness". So I am reading our search for happiness first and so far it's been super good! After that we had weekly planning and got the next week planned. We then went to a members house for lunch. For lunch it was a piece of meat with noodles covered in this spinach sauce... it looked so nasty so I prayed I could eat it and like it and keep it down! So I ate the WHOLE thing and it wasn't too bad! It's crazy how much food people put on your plate here! If you finish quick they make you eat more so I've learned to eat slower! We then rode our bikes to the church because someone said that they wanted to meet us there... we rode 4 miles over then and when we got there she texted us and said she wasn't coming anymore... oh well it was good exercise! On the way home we taught a nice Nigerian lady a good lesson on the Book of Mormon and so we asked for her number and address so we could set up another appointment and talk more. She said she couldn't give them to us.... she did say she would go to church his Sunday so that's pretty neat!
FRIDAY: normal morning routine. Then off to a meeting with a lady. My comp told me we should walk since she was super close so I was like ok let's go! We got there 20 min later... then we came to find out that she was already a member but needed lots of family help... she also wanted her son to be raised in this church which is super cool! He needs so be baptized asap! We talked to her for like an hour and a half and then we stopped at Seabras on the was home because my comp wanted to get this Colombian soda... I decided to get one to because he said it was so good! Well, it's not good. We came home and did some contacting on Facebook and I found someone who wants to meet with the missionary's! After that we had a little meeting on the way to the church. I told my comp I wanted to switch bikes on the way to the church so I could try the better bike and after a while he finally let me ride it! After he rode for a little the chain broke... I was telling him how to fix it since he had never fixed a chain! Then a member rode by and taught him and completely fixed the problem that the bike was having! Now the bike is like new!! It rides like normal! After that we came home and passed out a couple Books of Mormon. And as we were headed home we helped an old lady carry her groceries home.
SATURDAY: Had breakfast and showered like usual then we left because we had a meeting with the district and it was alright. I'm still learning Spanish so it's hard to understand everything! After the meeting a crazy member said he wanted to talk to us immediately. So we followed him and said keep an eye on john then he walked away... kinda weird but I'm used to weird things even though I've only been here 3 weeks... sad news we haven't seen Isidoro in over a week and either have any of his friends at the park... we don't know where he is but we had to drop his baptism. Well anyway we came home and we had a meeting with a member but she never answered her door or phone when we got there so we left... she called us like 30 min later and said where are you?! We told her we came by earlier and no one answered. She didn't believe us and said she is going to talk to bishop about this. After we got home from church we tried calling and setting up appointments. We had a little luck and found a new investigator! Also while we were there we saw a kid, I say kid but he was like 15 and he got "stuck" in a tree and he had the fire department come and get him out of the tree so that was a sight to see! The firemen were making jokes about him! For dinner we went to a members house and it was like a Brazilian BBQ and they gave me 2 giant plates of food... I think I have gained like 15 pounds... I talked a lot of Spanish with them about hunting, fishing, Mexico, and my family! I felt like my Spanish was pretty good! After the lesson I traded the tie I was wearing with one of the members ties and he gave me another one for free! Then on the way home I was riding my bike and a car was waiting to turn and there was tons of traffic so I was going in front of it because there was no time for it to go. Right before I went past it, the car must have thought it had enough room to go so it went and I was sure it would hit me but I past it and it had to be inches from hitting me! That was for sure a blessing!!
SUNDAY: Not gunna lie, it's getting harder to write in my journal every night but it's a goal of mine to do a page per day! So we had church today and we had 4 of our investigators come which was super cool! In the month of October we have 4 baptisms planned! I hope they all happen! After church we had ward council and it was just a regular meeting. But after we didn't have a ride for like 1 hour... I hate not having a car but I also like it because I feel like a real missionary when I'm walking or riding a bike haha. So we came home and had lunch then went to the park and contacted and found a Book of Mormon on the ground that we handed out 2 days before so that was pretty depressing... it got rained on and everything. Anyway at 4:30 we went to a members house for dinner/1 year olds b day party... we brought 2 investigators and there was lots of food and it was a BBQ. I miss my dads grilled meat! Nothing will ever beat his grilling! I haven't had good fish in 2 months! After we came back and talked to more people at the park but no new investigators...
Well So many people here think I'm in my mid 20's... am I balding or something!?! I'm scared I'm gunna come home bald... if I'm balding I better get married fast! The days are slow but the week flew by! I can't believe it's been 2 months since I left home! It feels like a year ago but at the same time it feels fast... the mission has been great! Heavenly Father has really helped me through these first couple weeks and during hard days! He is always there to help us all when we ask for his help and I can promise that! It isn't on our time though and that can be hard. But he is there and WILL help you! So keep working and endure to the end! Work hard everyday and come closer to Christ and our Father in Heaven each day! Take time each day to read the scriptures and kneel down each night and thank him for your blessings and ask for help with whatever you could use help with! Pray with your family each night! Families are one of the most important things in the gospel of Jesus Christ! I just want to let you guys know that families need to be the center of our lives and as we love each other and help each other our lives will be so much better! I love you all so much and continue to endure to the end and keep your standards higher and LIVE the gospel of Jesus Christ daily! <3