Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Until We Meet Again

I've heard that sending your missionary out is kind of like a baby giraffe being born.  You know it's going to happen, but the actual "drop" is brutal.  Being first time missionary parents, we had NO idea how hard it would be to watch our baby boy walk away for the next two years. He will be in our constant thoughts and our daily prayers. We love you Elder Davis!

Monday, July 25, 2016

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Last "Full" Family Pictures For 2 Years

With only 2 days before his departure day, Mason Jr. requested some family pictures that he could take with him. These are the sweet pics we were able to capture.

Colton and Mason
Mason and B.I.L's Nik and Riley
Mom and Mason
Dad and Mason
Mason and his first niece Henlee Willis
Davis Kids
Mason and sister Sheridan Pulsipher
Mason and Lacey
Mason and Emma
Mason and sister Sabrina Willis
Mason and "baby" Claira

Davis Family As Of 7/24/2016


Friday, July 22, 2016

Missionary Open House 7.22.2016

Mason's favorite candy to share

Collage from Mason Jrs. Senior Pics

Krazy Sub was on the menu.  4 - 4 foot subs for this big party.

Hunter, Jake, Mason, Jake, and Drex

Brian and Kathleen Conway

Trent Powell and Sal and Ange Alcantar

Mason with the Barney's

Mason and family friend Meghan Montierth

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Missionary Farewell 7.17.2016

 Mason Jr. was assigned to speak on Dedication for his first "adult" talk in Sacrament Meeting.  He spoke to a large crowd of friends and family members who were in attendance.

Mom and Mason

Colton and Mason

Mason and Sal, Ange and Ambrey-Jae Alcantar